FedEx Ground "96" Barcode

Also known as FedEx 96 Barcode, FedEx Ground "96" UCC/EAN-128, "96" Barcode

The primary bar code used as part of the FedEx Ground bar code strategy is a UCC/EAN Code 128 symbol. It is referred to as the "96" bar code because it always begins with a "96". The data content of the FedEx Ground "96" UCC/EAN Code 128 barcode is as specified below:

Sample of a FedEx Ground 96 Barcode

How to create FedEx Ground 96 barcodes using Barcode Professional

Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get a FedEx Ground 96 barcode image, please follow these steps:

Example of FedEx Ground 96 barcode images

Code property = 9611804027471600040302 will produce the following barcode image: