ASP.NET Core MVC Getting Started
The same principles detailed below apply for Legacy ASP.NET MVC or WebForms. Contact our Support Team for further assistance.
System Requirements
For developing ASP.NET Core applications with Neodynamic Barcode Professional for .NET Standard, the following system and software specifications are required:
- .NET Core 2.0+ (or .NET Framework 4.6.1+ for Legacy ASP.NET MVC or WebForms)
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.4.0+
- SkiaSharp 1.60+
First Steps with Barcode Professional for ASP.NET Core MVC
There are two ways to render barcode images in your Views, one is through the BarcodeHtmlHelper class where the barcode image is embedded into the HTML returned back to the browser; and the other one is by writing a Controller from where you instantiate BarcodeProfessional class to generate the desired barcode image that will be displayed in the View through an HTML IMG tag.
Barcode Professional can generate most popular Linear (1D), Postal, Component Composite & 2D Barcode Symbologies including Code 39, Code 128, GS1-128, GS1 DataBar (RSS-14), EAN 13 & UPC, ISBN, ISBT-128, Postal (USPS, British Royal Mail, Australia Post, DHL, FedEx), Data Matrix, QR Code, PDF 417, Aztec Code, UPS MaxiCode, Chinese Han Xin Code, IFA PPN, Swiss QR Code, JAB Code 2D Multicolored Matrix, all EAN/UPC Composite Barcodes (CC-A, CC-B & CC-C) and many more barcode standards
If you need further assistance, please contact our team at
Using BarcodeProfessional class in a Controller
- In your ASP.NET Core MVC project, add a reference to Neodynamic.SDK.BarcodeCore.dll from Nuget repo by running the following command in the Visual Studio's Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package Neodynamic.SDK.BarcodeCore
Make sure that the following NuGet packages were also included in your project:
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.4.0+
- SkiaSharp 1.60+
If any of those packages are missing, then add a reference to them by running these commands:
PM> Install-Package System.Text.Encoding.CodePages
PM> Install-Package SkiaSharp
- Then, create a new Controller called BarcodeGen and paste the following code. In this sample code, we create an instance of BarcodeProfessional class to create a QR Code based on the specified value to encode:
public IActionResult Get(string valueToEncode)
//Create an instance of BarcodeProfessional class
using (Neodynamic.SDK.BarcodeCore.BarcodeProfessional bcp = new Neodynamic.SDK.BarcodeCore.BarcodeProfessional())
//Set the desired barcode type or symbology
bcp.Symbology = Neodynamic.SDK.BarcodeCore.Symbology.QRCode;
//Set value to encode
bcp.Code = valueToEncode;
//Generate barcode image
byte[] imgBuffer = bc.GetBarcodeImage(SkiaSharp.SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 96);
//Write image buffer to Response obj
return File(imgBuffer, "image/png");
- Now, in the View, we'll use an IMG tag pointing to the GetBarcodeImage method of the BarcodeGen Controller by specifying which value we'd like to encode into a QR Code image. For instance:
<img src='@Url.Action("GetBarcodeImage", "BarcodeGen", new { valueToEncode = "ABC12345" }, Request.Url.Scheme)' alt='Sample Barcode' />
- That's it! Just view the page on a browser and a QR Code symbol will be displayed.
Using BarcodeHtmlHelper class
- In your ASP.NET Core MVC project, add a reference to Neodynamic.SDK.BarcodeCore.dll from Nuget repo by running the following command in the Visual Studio's Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package Neodynamic.SDK.BarcodeCore
Make sure that the following NuGet packages were also included in your project:
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.4.0+
- SkiaSharp 1.60+
If any of those packages are missing, then add a reference to them by running these commands:
PM> Install-Package System.Text.Encoding.CodePages
PM> Install-Package SkiaSharp
- Then, in the View where you'd like to display the barcode image, add the following using statement at the top:
@using Neodynamic.SDK.BarcodeCore
- Now, in the View's content, use the BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage() method to embed the barcode image. In this snipped code, the barcode type, a.k.a. Symbology, will be QRCode and the value to encode is ABC12345
@Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S="+Symbology.QRCode.ToString()+"&C=ABC12345", HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
Please refer to the Barcode HTML Helper Settings for further details on how to contruct the parameter string for BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage() method.
- That's it! Just view the page on a browser and a QR Code symbol will be displayed.
The BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage() method creates and embeds a barcode image in PNG, JPEG, and SVG formats by leveraging browsers Base64 Data URI feature. If you do not want to embed the barcode image or need to render the barcode in another image format, then please refer to Using BarcodeProfessional class in a Controller
Barcode HTML Helper Settings
The BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage() method requires a string parameter that is composed of a special formatted string, similar to the Query String used with a URL. For instance:
@Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=QRCode&C=ABC12345", HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Alt Text", "", ""))
In this sample, the setting S is for specifying the Barcode Symbology you want to create i.e the barcode type; and the setting C is for specifying the value to encode in the specified Symbology.
You can specify many other settings like Bar's Width and Height, DPI, Font, additional Text, etc. by concatenating the SETTING-ID=SETTING-VALUE through ampersand (&) chars as shown in the sample code above and by referring to the list of valid settings in the following table.
More samples for BarcodeHtmlHelper
Copy/Paste the following code in a View to render the specified barcodes.
Code 128 ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.Code128.ToString() + "&C=ABC123&BH=0.75&DC=T&AA=T&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
EAN-13 ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.Ean13.ToString() + "&C=123456789012&BH=0.75&GBH=0.8&GB=T&DC=T&AA=T&AC=T&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
QR Code ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.QRCode.ToString() + "&C=1234567890&DC=T&AA=T&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
Data Matrix ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.DataMatrix.ToString() + "&C=1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ&DC=T&AA=T&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
<hr />
Han Xin Code ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.HanXinCode.ToString() + "&C=1234567890&DC=T&AA=T&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
Aztec Code ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.AztecCode.ToString() + "&C=1234567890&DC=T&AA=T&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
Maxicode ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.MaxiCode.ToString() + "&C=1234567890&DPI=300&MXDPBS=T&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
PDF417 ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.Pdf417.ToString() + "&C=1234567890&BR=5&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
<hr />
GS1-128 CC-A ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.UccEan128CCA.ToString() + "&C=ABC123|12345&BH=0.5&BR=5&DC=T&AA=T&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
USPS Intelligent Mail ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.UspsIntelligentMail.ToString() + "&C=34160265194042788110&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
<hr />
Micro PDF417 ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.MicroPdf417.ToString() + "&C=1234567890&BR=5&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
UPC-A with Supplement ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.UpcA.ToString() + "&C=01234567890&EUMF=1.00&GB=T&DC=T&AA=T&AC=T&EUS=" + Supplement.Digits5 + "&EUSC=90000&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
DotCode ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.DotCode.ToString() + "&C=1234567890&DOTCMS=.07&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
<hr />
Border with Rounded Corner ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.Code128.ToString() + "&C=ABC12356789&BH=0.75&DC=T&AA=T&BRW=.1&BRR=.2&BKC=Transparent&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
Bearer Bars ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.Itf14.ToString() + "&C=1540014128876&BW=.0208&BH=0.75&DC=T&AA=T&BBS=" + BearerBarStyle.HorizontalRules + "&BBW=.05&QZ=.4&LHM=" + ItfHmark.Mark4 + "&RHM=" + ItfHmark.Mark4 + "&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
<hr />
FitProportional Sample fitting Width = 3in x Height = 1.25in ⇒ @Html.Raw(BarcodeHtmlHelper.EmbedBarcodeImage("S=" + Symbology.Code128.ToString() + "&C=ABC12356789&DC=T&AA=T&BRW=.0208&ASZ=F&FITP=T&WIDTH=3&HEIGHT=1.25&EB=" + ErrorBehavior.ThrowException.ToString(), HtmlImageFormat.Png, "Sample Barcode", "", ""))
Remember to add the following using statement at the top:
@using Neodynamic.SDK.BarcodeCore
Barcode Settings
The following settings (in the first column) have the same meaning of the associated BarcodeProfessional property (in the second column). The third column shows an example for each setting. In addition, please refer to NOTE column for some additional info about each setting.
The first setting must be S (for Symbology), followed by C (for value to encode "Code" property) and finally followed by any other settings.
SETTING-ID=SETTING-VALUE pairs are separated by & (ampersand character).
PARAM | BarcodeProfessional Property | Example | NOTE |
AC | AddChecksum | AC=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
AA | AntiAlias | AA=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
ABIP | ArtBarImagePattern | ABIP=BASE64-IMAGE-CONTENT | The value for this param must be a local image file path like c:\temp\image.png or a BASE64 content |
ALI | ArtLogoImage | ALI=BASE64-IMAGE-CONTENT | The value for this param must be a local image file path like c:\temp\image.png or a BASE64 content |
ALIO | ArtLogoImageOpacity | ALIO=50 | The opacity must be an integer number from 1 (almost fully transparent) to 100 (fully opaque) |
ALIPER | ArtLogoImagePercentage | ALIPER=25 | |
ALIP | ArtLogoImagePosition | ALIP=Top | Param's value must be one of the LogoPosition Enumeration values |
AFS | ArtFinderShape | AFS=Rect | Param's value must be one of the ArtFinderShape Enumeration values |
AMS | ArtModuleShape | AMS=Rect | Param's value must be one of the ArtModuleShape Enumeration values |
ACBE | AztecCodeByteEncodingName | ACBE=ISO-8859-1 | |
ACEC | AztecCodeErrorCorrection | ACEC=23 | |
ACF | AztecCodeFormat | ACF=Auto | Param's value must be one of the AztecCodeFormat Enumeration values |
ACPT | AztecCodeProcessTilde | ACPT=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
ACR | AztecCodeRune | ACR=-1 | |
ASZ | AutoSize | ASZ=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
BKC | BackColor | BKC=FFFFFF | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
BC | BarColor | BC=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
BU | BarcodeUnit | BU=Inch | Param's value must be one of the BarcodeUnit Enumeration values |
BH | BarHeight | BH=0.5 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
BR | BarRatio | BR=2 | |
BW | BarWidth | BW=0.01 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
BWA | BarWidthAdjustment | BWA=0.0001 | Values can be positive (enlarge) or negative (reduce). |
BBS | BearerBarStyle | BBS=Frame | Param's value must be one of the BearerBarStyle Enumeration values |
BBW | BearerBarWidth | BBW=0.05 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
BRC | BorderColor | BRC=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
BRR | BorderRadius | BRR=.02 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
BRW | BorderWidth | BRW=2px | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
BPAD | BottomPadding | BPAD=0.1 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
CSC1 | CodabarStartChar | CSC1=A | Param's value must be one of the CodabarStartStopChar Enumeration values |
CSC2 | CodabarStopChar | CSC2=B | Param's value must be one of the CodabarStartStopChar Enumeration values |
C | Code | C=1234567890 | |
CB64 | Code | CB64=MTIzNDU2Nzg5MA== | Use this param to specify a value to encode that might contain non-printable characters or bytes |
CB64Enc | CB64=UTF-8 | Use this param to specify which Encoding or CodePage must be used to convert the CB64 param value back to a string that will be set to the Code property | |
C11TD | Code11TwoDigitsChecksum | C11TD=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
C128CS | Code128CharSet | C128CS=Auto | Param's value must be one of the Code128 Enumeration values |
C16KM | Code16kMode | C16KM=Mode0 | Param's value must be one of the Code16k Enumeration values |
CA | CodeAlignment | CA=BelowCenter | Param's value must be one of the Alignment Enumeration values |
CFP | CodeFormatPattern | CFP=SAMPLE-{0} | Based on String.Format() |
CHC | ChannelCode | CHC=8 | Param's value must be from 3 up to 8. |
DMBE | DataMatrixByteEncodingName | DMBE=ISO-8859-1 | |
DME | DataMatrixEncoding | DME=Auto | Param's value must be one of the DataMatrixEncoding Enumeration values |
DMF | DataMatrixFormat | DMF=Auto | Param's value must be one of the DataMatrixFormat Enumeration values |
DMFID | DataMatrixFileId | DMFID=001001 | |
DMPT | DataMatrixProcessTilde | DMPT=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
DMSC | DataMatrixSymbolCount | DMSC=1 | |
DMSI | DataMatrixSymbolIndex | DMSI=1 | |
DMIRF | DataMatrixIncludeRectFormatsInAutoMode | DMIRF=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
DCHK | DisplayChecksum | DCHK=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
DC | DisplayCode | DC=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
DLMI | DisplayLightMarginIndicator | DLMI=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
DOTCC | DotCodeColumns | DOTCC=0 | 0 means automatic, or a value from 5 to 200 |
DOTCR | DotCodeRows | DOTCR=0 | 0 means automatic, or a value from 5 to 200 |
DOTCPT | DotCodeProcessTilde | DOTCPT=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
DOTCAR | DotCodeAspectRatio | DOTCAR=4:3 | Columns (width) to Rows (height) Aspect Ratio |
DSSC | DisplayStartStopChar | DSSC=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
DPI | Dpi | DPI=96 | Greater DPI values will make the barcode image to be rendered in JPEG format |
EB | ErrorBehavior | EB=BlankImage | Param's value must be one of the ErrorBehavior Enumeration values |
EUBWA | EanUpcAutoBWAfor1278DigitsEnabled | EUBWA=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
EUMF | EanUpcMagnificationFactor | EUMF=0.8 | 0.8 means 80% magnification |
EUS | EanUpcSupplement | EUS=Digits5 | Param's value must be one of the Supplement Enumeration values |
EUSC | EanUpcSupplementCode | EUSC=12345 | "For this param takes effect |
EUSS | EanUpcSupplementSeparation | EUSS=0.15 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
EUSTM | EanUpcSupplementTopMargin | EUSTM=0.15 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
EXT | Extended | EXT=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
FTIP | FitProportional | FITP=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
FNTB | Font | FNTB=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
FNTI | Font | FNTI=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
FNTN | Font | FNTN=Arial | |
FNTSZ | Font.Size | FNTSZ=10 | Values must be specified in points |
FNTS | FontStrikeout | FNTS=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
FNTU | FontUnderline | FNTU=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
FNTC | ForeColor | FNTC=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
GB | GuardBar | GB=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
GBH | GuardBarHeight | GBH=0.5 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
GS1DSV | GS1DataStrictValidation | GS1DSV=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
H15434 | HibcUseIsoIec15434Encoding | H15434=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
HEIGHT | Height | HEIGHT=1.25 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
HFHRT | HibcFormatHumanReadableText | HFHRT=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
HRT | HumanReadableText | HRT=Product ID - 12345 | |
HXCBE | HanXinCodeByteEncodingName | HXCBE=ISO-8859-1 | |
HXCE | HanXinCodeEncoding | HXCE=Auto | Param's value must be one of the HanXinCodeEncoding Enumeration values |
HXCEC | HanXinCodeErrorCorrectionLevel | HXCEC=L1 | Param's value must be one of the HanXinCodeErrorCorrectionLevel Enumeration values |
HXCV | HanXinCodeVersion | HXCV=Auto | Param's value must be one of the HanXinCodeVersion Enumeration values |
HXCPT | HanXinCodeProcessTilde | HXCPT=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
IDS | Isbt128DataStructure | IDS=DS001 | Param's value must be one of the Isbt128DataStructure Enumeration values. |
JABC | JABCodeColors | JABC=8 | |
JABSC | JABCodeSymbolCount | JABSC=1 | |
JABSECC | JABCodeSymbolEccLevel | JABSECC=5 | |
JABSP | JABCodeSymbolPosition | JABSP=0 | |
JABSV | JABCodeSymbolVersion | JABSV=1x1 | |
LHM | Itf14LeftHMark | LHM=None | Param's value must be one of the ItfHmark Enumeration values |
RHM | Itf14RightHMark | RHM=None | Param's value must be one of the ItfHmark Enumeration values |
LPAD | LeftPadding | LPAD=0.1 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
MXDPBS | MaxiCodeDrawPixelBasedSymbol | MXDPBS=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
MXM | MaxiCodeMode | MXM=Mode4 | Param's value must be one of the MaxiCodeModes Enumeration values. |
MXPT | MaxiCodeProcessTilde | MXPT=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
MXSC | MaxiCodeSymbolCount | MXSC=1 | |
MXSI | MaxiCodeSymbolIndex | MXSI=1 | |
MPDFV | MicroPdf417Version | MPDFV=Auto | Param's value must be one of the MicroPdf417Version Enumeration values. |
MQR | MicroQRCodeVersion | MQR=Auto | Param's value must be one of the MicroQRCodeVersion Enumeration values. |
MSICHK | MsiChecksum | MSICHK=OneMod10 | Param's value must be one of the MsiChecksum Enumeration values. |
PDFAR | Pdf417AspectRatio | PDFAR=0.5 | Float point number from 0 to 1 |
PDFC | Pdf417Columns | PDFC=0 | Integer number from 0 to 30 |
PDFCT | Pdf417CompactionType | PDFCT=Auto | Param's value must be one of the Pdf417CompactionType Enumeration values. |
PDFEC | Pdf417ErrorCorrectionLevel | PDFEC=Level2 | Param's value must be one of the Pdf417ErrorCorrection Enumeration values. |
PDFID | Pdf417FileId | PDFID=123 | |
PDFR | Pdf417Rows | PDFR=0 | "Integer number from 3 to 90 |
PDFSC | Pdf417SegmentCount | PDFSC=2 | |
PDFSI | Pdf417SegmentIndex | PDFSI=0 | |
PDFT | Pdf417Truncated | PDFT=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
PHBS | PharmacodeBarsSpacing | PHBS=0.04 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
PHBW1 | PharmacodeThickBarWidth | PHBW1=0.06 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
PHBW2 | PharmacodeThinBarWidth | PHBW2=0.02 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
PH2DCF | Pharmacode2DColorFields | PH2DCF=Standard | Param's value must be one of the Pharmacode2DColorFields Enumeration values. |
PH2DCF1 | Pharmacode2DColorField1 | PH2DCF1=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
PH2DCF2 | Pharmacode2DColorField2 | PH2DCF2=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
PH2DCF3 | Pharmacode2DColorField3 | PH2DCF3=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
PH2DCF4 | Pharmacode2DColorField4 | PH2DCF4=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
PH2DCF5 | Pharmacode2DColorField5 | PH2DCF5=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
PH2DCF6 | Pharmacode2DColorField6 | PH2DCF6=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
PH2DCF7 | Pharmacode2DColorField7 | PH2DCF7=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
PH2DCF8 | Pharmacode2DColorField8 | PH2DCF8=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
PH2DTM | Pharmacode2DTriggerMark | PH2DTM=Left | Param's value must be one of the Pharmacode2DTriggerMark Enumeration values. |
PLHSB | PlanetHeightShortBar | PLHSB=0.06 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
PLHTB | PlanetHeightTallBar | PLHTB=0.135 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
P4SSSC | Postal4StateAddStartStopChar | P4SSSC=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
P4SBS | Postal4StateBarsSpacing | P4SBS=0.03 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
P4STBH | Postal4StateTrackerBarHeight | P4STBH=0.08 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
P4STBW | Postal4StateTrackerBarWidth | P4STBW=0.02 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
POHSB | PostnetHeightShortBar | POHSB=0.06 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
POHTB | PostnetHeightTallBar | POHTB=0.135 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
QRBE | QRCodeByteEncodingName | QRBE=ISO-8859-1 | |
QRE | QRCodeEncoding | QRE=Auto | Param's value must be one of the QRCodeEncoding Enumeration values. |
QREC | QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel | QREC=M | Param's value must be one of the QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel Enumeration values. |
QRPT | QRCodeProcessTilde | QRPT=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
QRM | QRCodeMask | QRM=Auto | Param's value must be one of the QRCodeMask Enumeration values. |
QRV | QRCodeVersion | QRV=Auto | Param's value must be one of the QRCodeVersion Enumeration values. |
QZL | QuietZone.Left | QZL=0.1 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
QZB | QuietZone.Bottom | QZB=0.1 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
QZR | QuietZone.Right | QZR=0.1 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
QZT | QuietZone.Top | QZT=0.1 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
RMQR | RectMicroQRCodeVersion | RMQR=Auto | Param's value must be one of the RectMicroQRCodeVersion Enumeration values. |
RPAD | RightPadding | RPAD=0.1 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
ROT | Rotate | ROT=None | Param's value must be one of the Rotate Enumeration values. |
SDP | SnapsToDevicePixels | SDP=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
SPR | SegmentsPerRow | SPR=4 | |
S | Symbology | S=Code39 | Param's value must be one of the Symbology Enumeration values. |
T | Text | T=Product ID | |
TA | TextAlignment | TA=AboveCenter | Param's value must be one of the Alignment Enumeration values. |
TFNTB | TextFont | TFNTB=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
TFNTI | TextFont | TFNTI=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
TFNTN | TextFont | TFNTN=Arial | |
TFNTSZ | TextFont.Size | TFNTSZ=10 | Values must be specified in points |
TFNTS | TextFontStrikeout | TFNTS=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
TFNTU | TextFontUnderline | TFNTU=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
TFNTC | TextForeColor | TFNTC=000000 | It must be specified as a HTML color in Hex format |
TFP | TextFormatPattern | TFP=SAMPLE-{0} | Based on String.Format() |
TLC39MPDF417BW | Tlc39MicroPdf417BarWidth | Tlc39MicroPdf417BarWidth=0.01 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
TLC39MPDF417RBH | Tlc39MicroPdf417RowBarHeight | Tlc39MicroPdf417RowBarHeight=0.05 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
TPAD | TopPadding | TPAD=0.1 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
TXTP | TextPlacement | TXTP=Top | Param's value must be one of the Placement Enumeration values. |
TXTZH | TextZoneHeight | TXTZH=0.5 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
TXTZW | TextZoneWidth | TXTZW=1.5 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
UPCE | UpcESystem | UPCE=System0 | Param's value must be one of the UpcE Enumeration values. |
UQZT | UseQuietZoneForText | UQZT=T | Just do not specify this param if it has False value |
UPCE | UpcESystem | UPCE=System0 | Param's value must be one of the UpcE Enumeration Enumeration values. |
UCEC | UltracodeErrorCorrection | UCEC=Level2 | Param's value must be one of the UltracodeErrorCorrection values. |
WIDTH | Width | WIDTH=4.5 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
FIM | UspsFimPattern | FIM=A | Param's value must be one of the FIM Enumeration values. |
HBC | UspsHorizontalBarsCount | HBC=10 | |
MS | AztecCodeModuleSize, DataMatrixModuleSize, QRCodeModuleSize, HanXinCodeModuleSize, DotCodeModuleSize, JABCodeModuleSize, UltracodeModuleSize | MS=0.02 | Values must be specified in the same unit set up to BarcodeUnit property. Default is inch. |
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