PLANET Barcode
This Symbology is also known as USPS PLANET
Barcode, USPS Confirm Service Barcode

USPS Confirm service allows
mailers to uniquely identify and track mail by placing an additional barcode,
known as a PLANET Code, on the front of letter and flat mailpieces. The PLANET
Code is a 12 -or 14- digit barcode - a “two-state” barcode similar in structure
to the POSTNET Code address barcode used by mail processing equipment to sort
the mail.
PLANET Codes consist of a series of tall and short bars.
PLANET Code digit Symbology is the inverse of POSTNET Code digit Symbology;
each POSTNET Code digit uses a combination of two tall and three short bars;
each PLANET Code digit uses three tall and two short bars. PLANET Codes must
begin and end with one long "framing bar".
All PLANET Codes include a check-sum digit or correction
character. This digit must always be the single-digit number (i.e., 0–9) which,
when added to the sum of the other digits in the barcode, results in a whole
number that is a multiple of 10.
Depending on the type of Confirm mail, mailers must choose the
appropriate PLANET Code format:
Destination Confirm to track outgoing mailings. PLANET Codes can be used to
identify mail sent to customers
Origin Confirm to track incoming mail. PLANET Codes can be used to identify
reply mail that customers send back
Destination Confirm PLANET Code Format
The Destination Confirm PLANET Code consists of the following
Service Type ID: The first 2 digits represent the service (i.e., Destination
Confirm) and the class/shape of the mail. Destination Confirm Service Type IDs
are listed below
Subscriber ID: The next 5 digits identify the subscriber (assigned by the
Postal Service)
Mailing ID: The next 4 or 6 digits are available to the mailer to use for their
own identification purposes (e.g., mailings, clients, etc.)
Check-Sum Digit: The 12th or 14th digit is a check-sum digit that helps the
Postal Service to detect errors
Mailers should use the PLANET Code in combination with the
delivery point POSTNET Code to identify mailpieces uniquely.
Service Type IDs for Destination Confirm service:
40 - First-Class Mail letters
41 - First-Class Mail flats
42 - Standard Mail letters
43 - Standard Mail flats
44 - Periodicals letters
45 - Periodicals flats
46 - First-Class Mail cards
47 - Standard Mail cards
22 - Residual Mail items
Origin Confirm PLANET Code Format
The Origin Confirm PLANET Code consists of the following
Service Type ID: The first 2 digits represent the service (i.e., Origin
Confirm) and the class/shape of the mail. Origin Confirm Service Type IDs are
listed below
Customer ID: The next 9 or 11 digits are available to the subscriber to help
identify the customer (i.e., mailer of reply mailpiece) or the reply mailpiece
Check-Sum Digit: The 12th or 14th digit is a check-sum digit that helps the
Postal Service to detect errors
For Origin Confirm service, the Postal Service identifies the
Confirm subscriber by the POSTNET Code preprinted on the reply mailpiece.
Service Type IDs for Origin Confirm service:
50 - Courtesy reply letters
51 - Courtesy reply flats
52 - Business reply letters
53 - Business reply flats
54 - Business reply cards
56 - QBRM letters
57 - QBRM cards
58 - Courtesy reply cards
21 - Miscellaneous items
How to create USPS PLANET barcodes using Barcode
Note: Please refer to the Class
Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods
stated in this document.
In order to get an USPS PLANET barcode image, please follow
these steps:
Set the Symbology property to Planet
Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
Set the PlanetHeightShortBar property to a value ranging from 0.04
to 0.06 (Values are expressed in Inches)
Set the PlanetHeightTalltBar property to a value ranging from 0.115
to 0.135 (Values are expressed in Inches)
Set the BarWidth property to a value ranging from 0.015 to 0.025
(Values are expressed in Inches)
Set the BarRatio property to 1 or 2 (Try 1 first)
Set the QuietZoneWidth property (Value is expressed in Inches)
Set the TopMargin and BottomMargin properties (Value is expressed
in Inches)
Setting up the value to encode:
Set the Code property with a value with the following structure:
For Destination Confirm PLANET Code Format:
2 digits for Service Type ID
5 digits for Subscriber ID
4 or 6 digits for Mailing ID
1 digit for Check-Sum ONLY if AddChecksum property is False,
otherwise DO NOT specify the checksum digit because it will be
automatically calculated by Barcode Professional products
For Origin Confirm PLANET Code Format:
2 digits for Service Type ID
9 or 11 digits for Customer ID
1 digit for Check-Sum ONLY if AddChecksum property is False,
otherwise DO NOT specify the checksum digit because it will be
automatically calculated by Barcode Professional products
Set the Text property to an Empty string
Barcode Professional will automatically generate and append the checksum value
Tip 1: You can disable this behavior by setting up to False the AddChecksum
Tip 2: You can leave AddChecksum property set to True but
rid of the checksum value from the Human Readable text by setting up to False
the DisplayChecksum property
USPS PLANET barcode images samples
Destination Confirm PLANET Code Example
Example of a PLANET Code for a First-Class Mail (40) letter
containing a Subscriber ID of 12345 and utilizing numbers 235636 to identify
the mailing. The checksum is not specified and is automatically calculated and
appended by Barcode Professional
Code property = 4012345235636 and AddChecksum
property = True will produce the following barcode image:
Origin Confirm PLANET Code Example
Example of a PLANET Code for a First-Class Mail (50) letter
which identifies a customer with number 201-4023-5635. The checksum is not
specified and is automatically calculated and appended by Barcode Professional.
Code property = 5020140235635 and AddChecksum
property = True will produce the following barcode image: