BarcodeProfessional overview

Public Static (Shared) Properties


Public Static (Shared) Methods


Public Instance Constructors

BarcodeProfessional Constructor Initializes a new instance of the BarcodeProfessional class.

Public Instance Properties

Adapter (inherited from MobileControl) 
AddChecksum It indicates if checksum must be generated and attached to the value to encode.
Alignment (inherited from MobileControl) 
AlternateText (inherited from Image) 
AntiAlias It indicates if AntiAlias effect must be applied to all the texts in the barcode image.
AutoSize Gets or sets a value indicating whether the barcode image is automatically resized to display its entire contents.
BackColor (inherited from MobileControl) 
BarColor Gets or sets the bars' color of the barcode.
BarHeight Gets or sets the bars' height of the barcode. NOTE: For PDF417 Symbology, the BarHeight is calculated based on this formula: BarHeight = BarWidth * BarRatio
BarRatio It determines the wide bars' width compared to the narrow bars' width. In barcode terminology this is N value.
BarWidth Gets or sets the narrow bars' width of the barcode. In barcode terminology this is X value.
BindingContainer (inherited from Control) 
BorderColor Gets or sets the barcode image border's color to generate.
BorderWidth Gets or sets the barcode image border's width to generate.
BottomMargin Gets or sets the bottom margin's height.
BreakAfter (inherited from MobileControl) 
ClientID (inherited from Control) Gets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET.
CodabarStartChar Start character for Codabar symbology. Possible values are: A, B, C or D.
CodabarStopChar Stop character for Codabar symbology. Possible values are: A, B, C or D.
Code Gets or sets the value to encode.
Code128CharSet It indicates the characters set to use in the Code 128 symbology. Possible values are: Auto, A, B or C.
Code16kMode It indicates the mode to use for Code16k symbology. Modes supported are: Mode 0, 1, and 2.
CodeAlignment It indicates the text alignment for Code property.
Controls (inherited from Control) Gets a ControlCollection object that represents the child controls for a specified server control in the UI hierarchy.
CustomAttributes (inherited from MobileControl) 
DataMatrixEncoding It indicates the DataMatrix Encoding to use on this symbology.
DataMatrixFormat It indicates the DataMatrix Format to use on this symbology.
DataMatrixModuleSize Gets or sets the module size.
DataMatrixProcessTilde It indicates if the tilde character should be processed or not, when DataMatrix code is generated.
DeviceSpecific (inherited from MobileControl) 
DisplayChecksum It indicates if the checksum value must be displayed after the value to encode in the barcode image.
DisplayCode It indicates if the value to encode must be displayed in the barcode image.
DisplayStartStopChar It indicates if start and stop characters must be displayed in the barcode image.
EanUpcSupplement It indicates the supplement type to use with EAN and UPC symbologies.
EanUpcSupplementCode Gets or sets the supplement value for EAN and UPC symbologies.
EanUpcSupplementSeparation Gets or sets the separation between the barcode and its supplement.
EanUpcSupplementTopMargin Gets or sets the top margin's height for supplement code.
EnableViewState (inherited from Control) Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client.
Extended It indicates if the extended versions for Code39 and Code93 symbologies must be used or not.
FirstPage (inherited from MobileControl) 
Font (inherited from MobileControl) 
ForeColor (inherited from MobileControl) 
Form (inherited from MobileControl) 
GuardBar It indicates if guard bars must be drawn.
GuardBarHeight Gets or sets the guard bars' height.
Height Gets or sets the barcode image's height to generate.
ID (inherited from Control) Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control.
ImageFormat It indicates the barcode image format to render. MIME possible values: Auto, Gif, Jpeg, Bmp, Png, and Wbmp. If Auto is specified, Barcode Professional will render the barcode image for each mobile device in the preferred image format by each of them.
IsbnSupplementCode Gets or sets the supplement value for ISBN symbology. It generally is the suggested price.
IsTemplated (inherited from MobileControl) 
LastPage (inherited from MobileControl) 
MobilePage (inherited from MobileControl) 
NamingContainer (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the server control's naming container, which creates a unique namespace for differentiating between server controls with the same ID property value.
NavigateUrl (inherited from Image) 
Page (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the Page instance that contains the server control.
Parent (inherited from Control) Gets a reference to the server control's parent control in the page control hierarchy.
Pdf417Columns Gets or sets the number of columns to use for PDF417 symbology.
Pdf417CompactionType It indicates the Compaction Type to apply for PDF417 symbology.
Pdf417ErrorCorrectionLevel It indicates the Error Correction Level to apply for PDF417 symbology.
Pdf417Rows Gets or sets the number of rows to use for PDF417 symbology.
Pdf417Truncated It indicates if the right side of PDF417 barcode is truncated (removed) or not.
PlanetHeightShortBar Gets or sets the short bars' height of Planet symbology.
PlanetHeightTallBar Gets or sets the tall bars' height of Planet symbology.
PostnetHeightShortBar Gets or sets the short bars' height of Postnet symbology.
PostnetHeightTallBar Gets or sets the tall bars' height of Postnet symbology.
QuietZoneWidth Gets or sets the quiet zone's width.
Rotate It indicates the rotation angle to apply on the barcode image.
ShowWbmpConversion Indicates whether the WBMP conversion is visible or hidden on the form at design time.
Site (inherited from Control) Gets information about the Web site to which the server control belongs.
SoftkeyLabel (inherited from Image) 
StyleReference (inherited from MobileControl) 
Symbology It indicates the barcode symbology to generate.
TemplateSourceDirectory (inherited from Control) Gets the virtual directory of the Page or UserControl that contains the current server control.
Text Gets or sets the additional text to show in the barcode image e.g.: Client ID. Note: This is not the value to encode.
TextAlignment It indicates the text alignment for Text property.
TopMargin Gets or sets the top margin's height.
UniqueID (inherited from Control) Gets the unique, hierarchically-qualified identifier for the server control.
UpcESystem It indicates the number system to use for UPC-E symbology.
Visible (inherited from Control) Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page.
VisibleWeight (inherited from MobileControl) 
Width Gets or sets the barcode image's width to generate.
Wrapping (inherited from MobileControl) 

Public Instance Methods

AddLinkedForms (inherited from MobileControl) 
CreateDefaultTemplatedUI (inherited from MobileControl) 
DataBind (inherited from Control) Binds a data source to the invoked server control and all its child controls.
Dispose (inherited from Control) Enables a server control to perform final clean up before it is released from memory.
EnsureTemplatedUI (inherited from MobileControl) 
Equals (inherited from Object) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
FindControl (inherited from Control) Searches the current naming container for a server control with the specified id parameter.
GetBarcodeImage Gets a System.Drawing.Bitmap object of the barcode image.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetTemplate (inherited from MobileControl) 
GetType (inherited from Object) Gets the Type of the current instance.
HasControls (inherited from Control) Determines if the server control contains any child controls.
IsVisibleOnPage (inherited from MobileControl) 
PaginateRecursive (inherited from MobileControl) 
RenderChildren (inherited from MobileControl) 
RenderControl (inherited from Control) Outputs server control content to a provided HtmlTextWriter object and stores tracing information about the control if tracing is enabled.
ResolveFormReference (inherited from MobileControl) 
ResolveUrl (inherited from MobileControl) 
SaveOverloaded. Saves this barcode image to the specified file in the specified format.
SaveWbmpImageOverloaded. Saves this barcode image to the specified file in WBMP image format.
SetRenderMethodDelegate (inherited from Control) 
ToString (inherited from Object) Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Public Instance Events

DataBinding (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control binds to a data source.
Disposed (inherited from Control) Occurs when a server control is released from memory, which is the last stage of the server control lifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested.
Init (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control is initialized, which is the first step in the its lifecycle.
Load (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control is loaded into the Page object.
PreRender (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control is about to render to its containing Page object.
Unload (inherited from Control) Occurs when the server control is unloaded from memory.

See Also

BarcodeProfessional Class | Neodynamic.MobileWebControls.BarcodeProfessional Namespace