Code 39 Barcode

This Symbology is also known as ANSI/AIM Code 39, ANSI/AIM Code 39, Uniform Symbology Specification Code 39, USS Code 39, USS 39, Code 3/9, Code 3 of 9, USD-3, LOGMARS, Alpha39, Code 39 Extended, and Code 39 Full ASCII

Code 39, the first alpha-numeric symbology to be developed, is still widely used-especially in non-retail environments. It is suitable for encoding general purpose alphanumeric data.
Code 39 is a discrete, variable-length symbology. It is self-checking in that a single print defect cannot transpose one character into another valid character. It is the standard barcode used by the United States Department of Defense, and is also used by the Health Industry Bar Code Council (HIBCC).
What kind of data can be encoded by Code 39?
The * (asterisk) is not a true encodable character, but is the start and stop 'symbol' for Code 39.

Sample of a Code 39 Barcode

How to create Code 39 barcodes using Barcode Professional

Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get a Code 39 barcode image, please follow these steps:
Example of Code 39 barcode images
Code property = ABC 123456789 will produce the following barcode image:
Code property = (abc) 123456789 and Extended property = True will produce the following barcode image: