Identcode barcode Symbology is
used by German Post (Deutsche Post AG) (Deutsche Frachtpost).
The Identcode contains a tracking number providing an identification of the
customer (sender) and the mail piece.
The value to encode length is fixed to 11 digits plus 1 digit
checksum which is automatically calculated by Barcode Professional products.
The value to encode must have the following structure:
2 digits for ID of primary distribution center
3 digits for Customer ID
6 digits for Mailing number
Sample of a Deutsche Post Identcode Barcode
In order to get a Deutsche Post Identcode barcode image,
please follow these steps:
Set the Symbology property to DeutschePostIdentcode
Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
Set the BarWidth and BarHeight properties (Values are expressed
in Inches)
Set the BarRatio property to 3
Set the QuietZoneWidth property (Value is expressed in Inches)
Set the TopMargin and BottomMargin properties (Values are
expressed in Inches)
Set the Code property with the value to encode. It must be 11 digits:
2 digits for ID of primary distribution center
3 digits for Customer ID
6 digits for Mailing number