Deutsche Post Identcode Barcode

This Symbology is also known as German Postal 2 of 5 Identcode, Deutsche Post AG Identcode, Deutsche Frachtpost Identcode, Identcode, CodeIdentcode, Deutsche Post AG (DHL)

Identcode barcode Symbology is used by German Post (Deutsche Post AG) (Deutsche Frachtpost).
The Identcode contains a tracking number providing an identification of the customer (sender) and the mail piece.
The value to encode length is fixed to 11 digits plus 1 digit checksum which is automatically calculated by Barcode Professional products. The value to encode must have the following structure:

Sample of a Deutsche Post Identcode Barcode

How to create Deutsche Post Identcode barcodes using Barcode Professional

Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get a Deutsche Post Identcode barcode image, please follow these steps:
Example of Deutsche Post Identcode barcode images
Code property = 56400000005 will produce the following barcode image: