This Symbology is also known as MICR E-13B, MICR E-13-B

MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) is a process by which documents are printed using magnetic ink and special fonts to create machine readable information for quick document processing.

Although traditionally MICR has been used to print accounting and routing information on bank checks and other negotiable documents, the magnetic encoding lends itself to any form of document processing.

One of the MICR character sets that are used worldwide is called E13-B or E-13B. MICR E13-B is mainly used in USA, Canada, Bermuda, Mexico, Panama, Colombia, United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand.

The MICR E13-B characters consist of ten specially designed numbers (0 through 9) and four special symbols (Transit, Amount, On-Us, and Dash).

MICR E13-B in Barcode Professional

Barcode Professional products draw MICR E13-B characters using .NET Framework drawing engine i.e. our product DOES NOT use Fonts. Because Barcode Professional leverages .NET drawing engine, each MICR E13-B characters is produced in high quality symbols strictly matching the IS0 1004:1995(E) standard.

Encoding MICR E13-B characters with Barcode Professional
For encoding MICR E13-B characters you must use the following "mapping": MICR E13-B characters size
All of the MICR E13-B characters are designed on a 7 by 9 matrix of 0.013 inch (0.33 mm) squares. The minimum character width is four squares (or 0.052 inch (1.3 mm)) for the numbers 1 and 2. The maximum width is 0.091 inch (2.3 mm) for the number 8, 0, and four special symbols. All characters except the On-Us and Dash symbols have a height of 0.117 inch (3 mm). The height of the On-Us symbol is 0.091 inch (2.3 mm), and the dash is 0.052 inch (1.3 mm).

Barcode Professional will render these character sizes by default although you could use the MICRCharWidths, MICRCharHeight and MICRCharSpacing properties if needed for customizing the MICR E13-B characters' sizes.

How to create MICR E13-B characters using Barcode Professional

Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get MICR E13-B characters image, please follow these steps:
Example of MICR E13-B image
Code property = 1234567890ABCD will produce the following image (at 300 dpi):