The Intelligent Mail Container barcode is used by USPS on mailer-generated pallet labels to uniquely identify pallets and similar containers (i.e. All Purpose Containers, hampers, pallet boxes, etc.) in addition to identifying the mail owner.
Two distinct data constructs are permitted. Both formats are 21-characters in length and will require mailers to encode their respective USPS-assigned 6- or 9-digit Mailer ID.
The length of the mailer’s Mailer ID (6 or 9 digits) will dictate which format to follow.

Sample of a USPS Intelligent Mail Container Barcode
In order to get a USPS Intelligent Mail Container Barcode image, please follow these steps:
- Set the Symbology property to UspsIntelligentMailContainerBarcode
- Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
- Set the BarWidth property to a value ranging from 0.0225 to 0.0275 (Values are expressed in Inches). NOTE: The overall length of the barcode, measured from the leading edge of the first bar to the trailing edge of the last bar, shall not exceed 7.25 inches. An overall barcode length between 6.25 and 7.25 inches is recommended.
- Set the BarHeight property to a value ranging from 0.75 to 1.1 (Values are expressed in Inches)
- Set the QuietZoneWidth property to 10 times the BarWidth property i.e. 10 * BarWidth
- Set the TopMargin and BottomMargin properties to 0.125 (Value is expressed in Inches)
- Set the Code property with the value to encode as stated above for 6-digit or 9-digit Mailer ID Barcode formats.