ISBT 128 Barcode

This Symbology is also known as ISBT 128, ISBT Barcode, ISBT128, ISBT 128 Standard, International Society of Blood Transfusion Barcode, ICCBBA 128, International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation Barcode, Unique Donation Identification Barcode, American Association of Blood Banks AABB 128 Barcode, American Red Cross ARC Barcode

The ISBT 128 Standard provides the specification for many of the elements of the information environment required in transfusion and transplantation. The standard, originally accepted by the ISBT Council in 1994 and maintained by ICCBBA, Inc; has gained widespread acceptance and is now endorsed by the AABB, European Plasma Fractionators Association, and European Blood Alliance.

ISBT 128 Standard, defines Data Structures that are graphically represented by barcodes. The data structures specified in ISBT 128 are simply the formal definitions of how information is to be identified and electronically presented. Some of these data structures are Unique Donation Identification, Blood Groups [ABO and RhD], Product Code, Expiration Date, Type of Donation (Volunteer, Directed, Autologous, etc), Red Cell Phenotyping Information, HLA Typing Information, CMV and other test results, Collection Container Catalog and Lot Number, Patient date of birth and identification number, etc.

Sample of an ISBT 128 Barcode for Donation Identification Number

How to create ISBT 128 barcodes using Barcode Professional

Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get an ISBT 128 barcode image, please follow these steps:
NOTE: Some ISBT 128 Data Structures require a keyboard entry check character (called K) in order to verify correct manual entry of the data content. Although the check character K is not part of the data content coded in the barcode, Barcode Professional will calculate and display it at the end of the human readable text.
Example of ISBT 128 barcodes