EAN-Velocity is not a proper
Symbology, but just a shorter way to specify the message data.
It is a special version of EAN-8, with the first digit is 0 (zero) which is
usually used for internal article numbering.

Sample of an EAN-Velocity Barcode
In order to get an EAN-Velocity barcode image, please follow
these steps:
Set the Symbology property to EanVelocity
Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
All values for barcode dimensions are expressed in INCHES by default. However, Barcode Professional supports other unit of measurement such as Millimeter, Centimeter, and Mils. For modifying the unit of measurement for barcoding, please set up the BarcodeUnit property as needed.
Set the BarWidth property to 0.013 (Value is expressed in Inches)
Set the BarHeight property to 0.86 (Value is expressed in Inches)
If Guard Bars are needed:
Set the GuardBar property to True
Set the GuardBarHeight property to 0.925 (Value is expressed in
Set the QuietZone property to 0.091, 0, 0.091, 0 - Left, Top, Right, Bottom (Value is expressed in Inches)
Set the Code property with a value with the following structure:
6 digits for content
1 digit for Check-Sum ONLY if AddChecksum property is False,
otherwise DO NOT specify the checksum digit because it will be
automatically calculated by Barcode Professional products.
Add-On Settings if needed:
Set the EanUpcSupplement to Digits2 (Two-Digit Add-On) or Digits5
(Five-Digit Add-On)
Set the EanUpcSupplementCode with the Add-On value which must be 2 or 5
digits only
Drawn Light Margin Indicators if needed:
Set the DisplayLightMarginIndicator to True
Set the Text property to an Empty string