Macro PDF417 Barcode

This Symbology is also known as Macro Portable Data File 417, Macro PDF 417

Macro PDF417, or Macro Portable Data File 417, has the same features as PDF417 standard. Macro PDF417 provides a standard mechanism for creating a distributed representation of data files too large to be represented by set of single PDF417 symbols.

Macro PDF417 symbols differ from ordinary PDF417 symbols in that they contain additional control information in a zone called Macro PDF417 Control Block. Using Macro PDF417, large data files are split into several data segments and encoded into individual symbols. The Macro PDF417 decoder device uses the Control Block's information to reconstruct the file correctly, independent of symbol scanning order.

Sample of a Macro PDF417 Barcode sequence

How to create Macro PDF417 barcodes using Barcode Professional

Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get a set of Macro PDF417 barcode images, please follow these steps:
Example of a Macro PDF417 barcode image