Sack Label is used by United
States Postal Services (USPS) for labeling of postal sacks; for automation rate
mailings; for periodicals and standard mail (letter size & flat size pieces).
It contains the "ZIP code" of the receiver and a "Content
Identifier Number".
The value to encode length is fixed to 8 digits and it must
have the following structure:
5 digits for "ZIP code"
3 digits for "Content Identifier Number" [CIN]
The "Content Identifier Number" [CIN] indicates this
mailing class (express, priority, first-class, periodicals, standard, package)
presorting / automation process
Sample of a USPS Sack Label Barcode
In order to get a USPS Sack Label barcode image, please follow
these steps:
Set the Symbology property to UspsSackLabel
Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
All values for barcode dimensions are expressed in INCHES by default. However, Barcode Professional supports other unit of measurement such as Millimeter, Centimeter, and Mils. For modifying the unit of measurement for barcoding, please set up the BarcodeUnit property as needed.
Set the BarWidth property to 0.015 (Values are expressed in
Set the BarHeight property to 0.7 (Values are expressed in
Set the BarRatio property to 3
Set the QuietZone property to 0.15, 0, 0.15, 0 - Left, Top, Right, and Bottom zones (Value is expressed in
Set the Code property with the value to encode. It must be 8 digits only