French Postal 39 A/R is used by French Postal Service (La Poste) on registered letter forms ("Recommandé"). It based on Code 39 barcode symbology. The data content of the French Postal 39 A/R barcode is two-letters (RA or RB) + 8-digit number; all followed by a 1-digit checksum which is automatically calculated and encoded by BarcodeItem.
Sample of a French Postal 39 A/R Barcode
In order to get a French Postal 39 A/R barcode image, please follow these
Set the Symbology property to FrenchPostal39AR
Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
Set the BarWidth and BarHeight properties (Values are expressed
in Inches)
Set the QuietZone property (Value is expressed in Inches)
Set the Code property with the value to encode which must be two-letters (RA or RB) + 8-digit number