The ISBT 128 Standard provides the
specification for many of the elements of the information environment required
in transfusion and transplantation. The standard, originally accepted by the
ISBT Council in 1994 and maintained by ICCBBA, Inc; has gained widespread
acceptance and is now endorsed by the AABB, European Plasma Fractionators
Association, and European Blood Alliance.
ISBT 128 Standard, defines Data Structures that are graphically represented by
barcodes. The data structures specified in ISBT 128 are simply the formal
definitions of how information is to be identified and electronically
presented. Some of these data structures are Unique Donation Identification,
Blood Groups [ABO and RhD], Product Code, Expiration Date, Type of Donation
(Volunteer, Directed, Autologous, etc), Red Cell Phenotyping Information, HLA
Typing Information, CMV and other test results, Collection Container Catalog
and Lot Number, Patient date of birth and identification number, etc.
Sample of an ISBT 128 Barcode for Donation Identification Number
In order to get an ISBT 128 barcode image, please follow these
Set the Symbology property to Isbt128
Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
Set the BarWidth
property to 0.01 (Values are expressed in Inches)
Set the BarHeight
property to 0.39 (Values are expressed in Inches)
Set the QuietZone
property to 0.1 (Value is expressed in Inches)
Set the Isbt128DataStructure property to DS001 (for Donation
Identification Number), DS002 (for Blood Groups [ABO and RhD]), DS003
(for Product Code), DS004
(for Expiration Date), etc. (Please refer to ISBT 128 Standard and BarcodeItem Help docs for further details)
Set the Code property with the value to encode. It must match the data
content/format for the selected Data Structure (Please refer to ISBT 128
Standard for further details)