A Numly Number is an ESN or
Electronic Serial Number for all things digital. It is a unique identifier that
allows an author or publisher to assign to content and track licensing of each
id assignment. Numly Numbers are useful if you wish to identify each electronic
distributed copy of any form of electronic media. Media types could include:
Blogs, Emails, MP3s, Videos, PDFs, eBooks, Software, Websites, etc. Numly
Numbers can also act a third-party content submission time stamps to aid in
copyright proving instances and emails.
The Numly Number consists of a 19 digit number generated by an
algorithm maintained by Numly.com.
Sample of a Numly Number Barcode
In order to get a Numly Number barcode image, please follow
these steps:
Set the Symbology property to NumlyNumber
Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
Set the BarWidth property (Value are expressed in Inches)
Set the QuietZone property (Value is expressed in Inches)
Set the Code property with the value to encode. It must be the Numly
Number which is composed of 19 digits separated (or not) by dash symbols (-)