Singapore 4-State Postal Code Barcode

This Symbology is also known as Singapore 4-State Postal, SingPost 4-State, and SingPost Barcode

This Symbology is used by Singapore Post (SingPost) for Postal code and automatic mail sorting. It’s based on British Royal Mail 4-State Customer Code (RM4SCC) and provides information about the address of the receiver.
It encodes alpha-numeric characters (0-9, A-Z), as well as start and stop bar characters. It comprises four types of bars (the four states), each of which has a distinct name, value and barcode symbol.

4-State Barcode Bars

Sample of a Singapore 4-State Postal barcode

How to create Singapore 4-State Postal Code barcodes using BarcodeItem

Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get a Singapore 4-State Postal Code barcode image, please follow these steps:
Example of a Singapore 4-State Postal Code barcode image
Code property = 529508 will produce the following barcode image: