Privately printed domestic forms and labels feature a Package Identification Code (PIC) represented by a Code 128 barcode.
The Code 128 Barcode Format for Package Identification Code is made up of four fields totaling 20 characters. The four required data fields are:
- Service Type Code (STC): Service Type Codes are 2-digit designators used to represent type of product and service used for each item. Use one of the following numbers depending on the service being used: Certified Mail (71), Insured Mail (73), Registered Mail (77), and Return Receipt for Merchandise (81).
- Customer ID: 9-digit; DUNS number that uniquely identifies the customer
- Package Sequence Number (PSN): 8-digit; fixed sequential number
- Modulus 10 Check digit: It is a digit added at the end of a sequence of numbers that validates the authenticity of the number. It can be automatically calculated and encoded by BarcodeItem if needed.
![Sample of a USPS Package Identification Code Barcode (USS Code 128) barcode](UspsPicCode128.gif)
Sample of a USPS Package Identification Code Barcode (USS Code 128) barcode
In order to get a Sample of a USPS Package Identification Code Barcode (USS Code 128) barcode image, please follow these steps:
- Set the Symbology property to UspsPicCode128
- Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
- Set the BarWidth property to a value ranging from 0.015 to 0.017 (Values are expressed in Inches)
- Set the BarHeight property to 0.75 (Values are expressed in Inches)
- Set the QuietZone property to 0.25, 0.125, 0.25, 0.125 (Values are expressed in Inches)
- Set the Code property with the value to encode i.e. 19 or 20 digits