Confirmation Services uses standardized bar codes to uniquely identify mail pieces and to designate the type of service being requested. Using a Package Identification Code (PIC), commonly called a tracking number, will uniquely identify all Confirmation Services mail pieces. The PIC is printed in bar code format on the label and must be unique.
The UCC/EAN 128 Barcode Format for Package Identification Code is made up of five fields totaling 22 characters. The five required data fields are:
- Application Identifier (AI): This is a code used within UCC/EAN Code 128 that identifies this as a Postal Service bar code. In this case the Application Identifiers (AIs) for Confirmation Services is "91"
- Service Type Code (STC): Service Type Codes are 2-digit designators used to represent Postal Service classes of mail in conjunction with the type of postal service being requested. STCs are included in the Confirmation Services bar code to identify the class of mail and/or type of special services included on that specific mail item
- Customer ID: 9-digit; DUNS number that uniquely identifies the customer
- Package Sequence Number (PSN): 8-digit; fixed sequential number
- Modulus 10 Check digit: It is a digit added at the end of a sequence of numbers that validates the authenticity of the number. It can be automatically calculated and encoded by BarcodeItem if needed
The Concatenated UCC/EAN 128 Barcode Format for Package Identification Code is made up of seven fields totaling 30 characters. The seven required data fields are:
- Routing Application Identifier: In this case the Application Identifier is "420"
- 5-digit ZIP Code
- Tracking Application Identifier: In this case the Application Identifier is "91"
- Service Type Code (STC): Service Type Codes are 2-digit designators used to represent Postal Service classes of mail in conjunction with the type of postal service being requested. STCs are included in the Confirmation Services bar code to identify the class of mail and/or type of special services included on that specific mail item
- Customer ID: 9-digit; DUNS number that uniquely identifies the customer
- Package Sequence Number (PSN): 8-digit; fixed sequential number
- Modulus 10 Check digit: It is a digit added at the end of a sequence of numbers that validates the authenticity of the number. It can be automatically calculated and encoded by BarcodeItem if needed
Sample of a USPS Package Identification Code (PIC) barcode
In order to get a USPS Package Identification Code (PIC) barcode image, please follow these steps:
- Set the Symbology property to UspsPicUccEan128
- Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
- Set the BarWidth property to a value ranging from 0.015 to 0.017 (Values are expressed in Inches)
- Set the BarHeight property to 0.765625 (Values are expressed in Inches)
- Set the QuietZone property to 0.25, 0.15625, 0.25, 0.171875 - Left, Top, Right, and Bottom zones (Value is expressed in Inches)
- Set the Code property with the value to encode:
- For single barcodes: It must begin with "91" followed by 19 or 20 digits
- For Concatenated barcodes: It must begin with "420" followed by 5-digit ZIP code and followed by "91" and 19 or 20 digits