Sack Label is used by United
States Postal Services (USPS) for labeling of postal sacks; for automation rate
mailings; for periodicals and standard mail (letter size & flat size pieces).
It contains the "ZIP code" of the receiver and a "Content
Identifier Number".
The value to encode length is fixed to 8 digits and it must
have the following structure:
5 digits for "ZIP code"
3 digits for "Content Identifier Number" [CIN]
The "Content Identifier Number" [CIN] indicates this
mailing class (express, priority, first-class, periodicals, standard, package)
presorting / automation process
Sample of a USPS Sack Label Barcode
In order to get a USPS Sack Label barcode image, please follow
these steps:
Set the Symbology property to UspsSackLabel
Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
Set the BarWidth property to 0.015 (Values are expressed in
Set the BarHeight property to 0.7 (Values are expressed in
Set the BarRatio property to 3
Set the QuietZone property to 0.15, 0, 0.15, 0 - Left, Top, Right, and Bottom zones (Value is expressed in
Set the Code property with the value to encode. It must be 8 digits only