![Ean 99 Barcode](Ean9901.gif)
EAN-99 is a special form of the
EAN-13, which just starts with "99". EAN 99 is used as an in-store coupon.
These are coupons which are good only at that particular store and are actually
distributed in the store in which they will be honored. Instead of a UPC code
with a number system character of 5, an EAN code is used with a "country code"
of 99.
![Sample of an EAN-99 Barcode](Ean9902.gif)
Sample of an EAN-99 Barcode
In order to get an EAN-99 barcode image, please follow these
Set the Symbology property to Ean99
Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
Set the BarWidth property to 0.013 (Value is expressed in Inches)
Set the BarHeight property to 0.9 (Value is expressed in Inches)
If Guard Bars are needed:
Set the EanUpcGuardBar property to True
Set the EanUpcGuardBarHeight property to 0.965 (Value is expressed in
Set the QuietZone property to 0.091, 0, 0.091, 0 - Left, Top, Right, Bottom (Value is expressed in Inches)
Set the Code property with a value with the following structure:
2 digits for Number System or Country Code which MUST BE 99
10 digits for content
1 digit for Check-Sum ONLY if AddChecksum property is False,
otherwise DO NOT specify the checksum digit because it will be
automatically calculated by BarcodeItem products
Add-On Settings if needed:
Set the EanUpcSupplement to Digits2 (Two-Digit Add-On) or Digits5
(Five-Digit Add-On)
Set the EanUpcSupplementCode with the Add-On value which must be 2 or 5
digits only
Drawn Light Margin Indicators if needed:
Set the DisplayLightMarginIndicator to True
Set the Text property to an Empty string