![FedEx Ground 96 Barcode](FedEx9601.gif)
The primary bar code used as part of the FedEx Ground bar code strategy is a UCC/EAN Code 128 symbol. It is referred to as the "96" bar code because it always begins with a "96". The data content of the FedEx Ground "96" UCC/EAN Code 128 barcode is as specified below:
![Sample of a FedEx Ground 96 Barcode](FedEx9602.gif)
Sample of a FedEx Ground 96 Barcode
In order to get a FedEx Ground 96 barcode image, please follow these steps:
- Set the Symbology property to FedExGround96
- Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
- Set the BarWidth property to a value ranging from 0.017 to 0.019 (Values are expressed in Inches)
- Set the BarHeight property (Values are expressed in Inches)
- Set the QuietZone property to a value 10 times the BarWidth value for left and right zones and 0.1 for top and bottom zones (Value is expressed in Inches)
- Set the Code property with the value to encode. It must begin with "96" followed by 19 or 20 digits