
Public classBarcodeItem
Represents a barcode item. It can draw linear (1D), Postal and 2D barcodes.
Public classCircleShapeItem
Represents an ellipse rectangle shape item.
Public classClosedShapeItem
An abstract base class that provides basic functionality for any descended ClosedShapeItem class.
Public classEllipseShapeItem
Represents an ellipse rectangle shape item.
Public classFont
Encapsulates the font properties of texts.
Public classFontConverter
Converts Font objects from one data type to another. Access the FontConverter class through the TypeDescriptor object.
Public classFontNameConverter
Public classFrameThickness
Represents the thickness for the four sides of a frame.
Public classFrameThicknessConverter
Converts FrameThickness objects from one data type to another. Access the FrameThicknessConverter class through the TypeDescriptor object.
Public classImageItem
Represents an image, picture or graphic item.
Public classImageSettings
Defines image output settings for saving labels to raster image formats
Public classItem
An abstract base class that provides basic functionality for any descended Item class.
Public classItemCollection
Provides a collection of Item objects.
Public classLineShapeItem
Represents a line shape item. Use it to create horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.
Public classLiteralItem
Represents a literal text item. Use it for sending raw printer commands.
Public classMonochromeSettings
Defines monochrome settings used for Black/White conversion.
Public classMultipleSelectionItem
Represents a collection of Item-derived classes which have been selected on the visual thermal label editor by the end-user.
Public classPrinterCommunication
Specifies information about printer communication like USB, Serial Port RS-232, Parallel Port (Centronics), and Network (Ethernet) connectivity.
Public classPrinterSettings
Specifies information about the thermal printer used to print out a label, including printer id/name, printing resolution (DPI) and device connection like USB, Serial Port, Parallel Port and Network.
Public classPrintJob
Specifies information about how a thermal label is printed, including the printer device settings, label orientation, number of copies, etc.
Public classPrintUtils
It specifies printing jobs that are not directly related to label printing but printer commands.
Public classRectangleCornerRadius
Represents the radii of a rectangle's corners.
Public classRectangleCornerRadiusConverter
Converts RectangleCornerRadius objects from one data type to another. Access the CornerRadiusConverter class through the TypeDescriptor object.
Public classRectangleShapeItem
Represents a rectangle shape item.
Public classShapeItem
An abstract base class that provides basic functionality for any descended ShapeItem class.
Public classTextItem
Represents a text item.
Public classThermalLabel
Represents a thermal label object.
Public classWebPrintJob
Specifies information about how a thermal label is printed, including the printer device settings, label orientation, number of copies, etc. to be used in ASP.NET scenarios and the TLClientPrint utility.


Public enumerationAztecCodeFormat
Specifies the Aztec Code Format to use on that symbology.
Public enumerationBarcodeAlignment
Specifies the alignment of the barcode
Public enumerationBarcodeSizing
Describes how barcode content is resized to fill its allocated space.
Public enumerationBarcodeSymbology
Specifies the Barcode Symbology/Standard to be used.
Public enumerationBarcodeTextAlignment
Specifies the text alignment on the barcode
Public enumerationBearerBarStyle
Specifies the bearer bars' type that must be drawn on the barcode. Bearer bar is only available for 2 of 5, Code 128 and UCC.EAN 128 barcode symbologies.
Public enumerationCodabarStartStopChar
Specifies the start and stop character for Codabar symbology.
Public enumerationCode128
Specifies the characters set to use in the Code 128 symbology.
Public enumerationCode16k
Specifies the mode to use for Code16k symbology.
Public enumerationColor
Specifies a color.
Public enumerationCommunicationType
Specifies the printer communication type.
Public enumerationDataMatrixEncoding
Specifies the DataMatrix Encoding to use on that symbology.
Public enumerationDataMatrixFormat
Specifies the DataMatrix Format to use on that symbology.
Public enumerationDitherMethod
Specifies the dithering method to be used for Black/White conversion.
Public enumerationFIM
Specifies the facing identification mark (FIM) pattern to use on that symbology.
Public enumerationFlip
Specifies the axis used to flip the image.
Public enumerationFontUnit
Specifies the unit of measure for Font objects.
Public enumerationImageFormat
Specifies the supported image formats
Public enumerationIsbt128DataStructure
Specifies the ISBT 128 Data Structures.
Public enumerationLineOrientation
Specifies the orientation for line shape items.
Public enumerationLockAspectRatio
Specifies how image's proportions are maintained.
Public enumerationMaxiCodeModes
Specifies the MaxiCode modes.
Public enumerationMediaTracking
Specifies the media is being used (continuous or non-continuous) for purposes of tracking.
Public enumerationMediaType
Specifies the type of media being used in the printer.
Public enumerationMicroPdf417Version
Specifies the MicroPDF417 version (a predefined combinations of numbers of columns and rows) to be generated.
Public enumerationMicroQRCodeVersion
Specifies the Micro QR Code Version to use on that symbology. Version M1 (11 x 11 modules) to Version M4 (17 x 17 modules) increasing in steps of two modules per side.
Public enumerationMsiChecksum
Specifies the checksum method used for MSI barcodes
Public enumerationPdf417CompactionType
Specifies the Compaction Type to apply for PDF417 symbology.
Public enumerationPdf417ErrorCorrection
Specifies the Error Correction Level to apply for PDF417 symbology.
Public enumerationPixelFormat
Specifies the supported pixel formats
Public enumerationPrintMode
Specifies the print mode for the thermal printer.
Public enumerationPrintOrientation
Specifies the page orientation used to print the thermal label.
Public enumerationProgrammingLanguage
Specifies the core programming language supported by the thermal printer.
Public enumerationQRCodeEncoding
Specifies the QR Code Encoding to use on that symbology.
Public enumerationQRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel
Specifies the Error Correction Level to apply for QR Code symbology.
Public enumerationQRCodeVersion
Specifies the QR Code Version to use on that symbology. Version 1 (21 x 21 modules) to Version 40 (177 x 177 modules) increasing in steps of four modules per side.
Public enumerationSupplement
Specifies the supplement type to use with EAN and UPC symbologies.
Public enumerationTelepenEncoding
Specifies the Telepen Encoding to use on that symbology.
Public enumerationTextAlignment
Specifies the text alignment.
Public enumerationTextSizing
Specifies the text sizing.
Public enumerationTiffCompression
Specifies the supported compression schemes for Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap images.
Public enumerationUnitType
Specifies the unit of measurement.
Public enumerationUpcE
Specifies the number system to use for UPC-E symbology.