Class | Description | |
BarcodeItem |
Represents a barcode item. It can draw linear (1D), Postal and 2D barcodes.
| |
CircleShapeItem |
Represents an ellipse rectangle shape item.
| |
ClosedShapeItem |
An abstract base class that provides basic functionality for any descended ClosedShapeItem class.
| |
EllipseShapeItem |
Represents an ellipse rectangle shape item.
| |
Font |
Encapsulates the font properties of texts.
| |
FontConverter |
Converts Font objects from one data type to another. Access the FontConverter class through the TypeDescriptor object.
| |
FontNameConverter | ||
FrameThickness |
Represents the thickness for the four sides of a frame.
| |
FrameThicknessConverter |
Converts FrameThickness objects from one data type to another. Access the FrameThicknessConverter class through the TypeDescriptor object.
| |
ImageItem |
Represents an image, picture or graphic item.
| |
ImageSettings |
Defines image output settings for saving labels to raster image formats
| |
Item |
An abstract base class that provides basic functionality for any descended Item class.
| |
ItemCollection |
Provides a collection of Item objects.
| |
LineShapeItem |
Represents a line shape item. Use it to create horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.
| |
LiteralItem |
Represents a literal text item. Use it for sending raw printer commands.
| |
MonochromeSettings |
Defines monochrome settings used for Black/White conversion.
| |
MultipleSelectionItem |
Represents a collection of Item-derived classes which have been selected on the visual thermal label editor by the end-user.
| |
PrinterCommunication |
Specifies information about printer communication like USB, Serial Port RS-232, Parallel Port (Centronics), and Network (Ethernet) connectivity.
| |
PrinterSettings |
Specifies information about the thermal printer used to print out a label, including printer id/name, printing resolution (DPI) and device connection like USB, Serial Port, Parallel Port and Network.
| |
PrintJob |
Specifies information about how a thermal label is printed, including the printer device settings, label orientation, number of copies, etc.
| |
PrintUtils |
It specifies printing jobs that are not directly related to label printing but printer commands.
| |
RectangleCornerRadius |
Represents the radii of a rectangle's corners.
| |
RectangleCornerRadiusConverter |
Converts RectangleCornerRadius objects from one data type to another. Access the CornerRadiusConverter class through the TypeDescriptor object.
| |
RectangleShapeItem |
Represents a rectangle shape item.
| |
ShapeItem |
An abstract base class that provides basic functionality for any descended ShapeItem class.
| |
TextItem |
Represents a text item.
| |
ThermalLabel |
Represents a thermal label object.
| |
WebPrintJob |
Specifies information about how a thermal label is printed, including the printer device settings, label orientation, number of copies, etc. to be used in ASP.NET scenarios and the TLClientPrint utility.
Enumeration | Description | |
AztecCodeFormat |
Specifies the Aztec Code Format to use on that symbology.
| |
BarcodeAlignment |
Specifies the alignment of the barcode
| |
BarcodeSizing |
Describes how barcode content is resized to fill its allocated space.
| |
BarcodeSymbology |
Specifies the Barcode Symbology/Standard to be used.
| |
BarcodeTextAlignment |
Specifies the text alignment on the barcode
| |
BearerBarStyle |
Specifies the bearer bars' type that must be drawn on the barcode. Bearer bar is only available for 2 of 5, Code 128 and UCC.EAN 128 barcode symbologies.
| |
CodabarStartStopChar |
Specifies the start and stop character for Codabar symbology.
| |
Code128 |
Specifies the characters set to use in the Code 128 symbology.
| |
Code16k |
Specifies the mode to use for Code16k symbology.
| |
Color |
Specifies a color.
| |
CommunicationType |
Specifies the printer communication type.
| |
DataMatrixEncoding |
Specifies the DataMatrix Encoding to use on that symbology.
| |
DataMatrixFormat |
Specifies the DataMatrix Format to use on that symbology.
| |
DitherMethod |
Specifies the dithering method to be used for Black/White conversion.
| |
Specifies the facing identification mark (FIM) pattern to use on that symbology.
| |
Flip |
Specifies the axis used to flip the image.
| |
FontUnit |
Specifies the unit of measure for Font objects.
| |
ImageFormat |
Specifies the supported image formats
| |
Isbt128DataStructure |
Specifies the ISBT 128 Data Structures.
| |
LineOrientation |
Specifies the orientation for line shape items.
| |
LockAspectRatio |
Specifies how image's proportions are maintained.
| |
MaxiCodeModes |
Specifies the MaxiCode modes.
| |
MediaTracking |
Specifies the media is being used (continuous or non-continuous) for purposes of tracking.
| |
MediaType |
Specifies the type of media being used in the printer.
| |
MicroPdf417Version |
Specifies the MicroPDF417 version (a predefined combinations of numbers of columns and rows) to be generated.
| |
MicroQRCodeVersion |
Specifies the Micro QR Code Version to use on that symbology. Version M1 (11 x 11 modules) to Version M4 (17 x 17 modules) increasing in steps of two modules per side.
| |
MsiChecksum |
Specifies the checksum method used for MSI barcodes
| |
Pdf417CompactionType |
Specifies the Compaction Type to apply for PDF417 symbology.
| |
Pdf417ErrorCorrection |
Specifies the Error Correction Level to apply for PDF417 symbology.
| |
PixelFormat |
Specifies the supported pixel formats
| |
PrintMode |
Specifies the print mode for the thermal printer.
| |
PrintOrientation |
Specifies the page orientation used to print the thermal label.
| |
ProgrammingLanguage |
Specifies the core programming language supported by the thermal printer.
| |
QRCodeEncoding |
Specifies the QR Code Encoding to use on that symbology.
| |
QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel |
Specifies the Error Correction Level to apply for QR Code symbology.
| |
QRCodeVersion |
Specifies the QR Code Version to use on that symbology. Version 1 (21 x 21 modules) to Version 40 (177 x 177 modules) increasing in steps of four modules per side.
| |
Supplement |
Specifies the supplement type to use with EAN and UPC symbologies.
| |
TelepenEncoding |
Specifies the Telepen Encoding to use on that symbology.
| |
TextAlignment |
Specifies the text alignment.
| |
TextSizing |
Specifies the text sizing.
| |
TiffCompression |
Specifies the supported compression schemes for Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap images.
| |
UnitType |
Specifies the unit of measurement.
| |
UpcE |
Specifies the number system to use for UPC-E symbology.