Specifies the Barcode Symbology/Standard to be used.

Namespace: Neodynamic.SDK.Printing
Assembly: Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel (in Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll) Version: 6.0.3500.0 (6.0.3515.430)


public enum BarcodeSymbology
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration BarcodeSymbology
Visual C++
public enum class BarcodeSymbology


Member nameValueDescription
Codabar0 Codabar a.k.a. ABC Codabar, CodaBar, USD-4, NW-7, Code 2 of 7, Monarch, Code-27, Ames code, Rationalized Codabar, 2 of 7 Code, ANSI/AIM Codabar, Uniform Symbology Specification Codabar, USS Codabar
Code111 Code 11 a.k.a. Code11, USD-8, USD8
Code16k2 Code 16K
Code393 Code 39 a.k.a. ANSI/AIM Code 39, ANSI/AIM Code 39, Uniform Symbology Specification Code 39, USS Code 39, USS 39, Code 3/9, Code 3 of 9, USD-3, LOGMARS, Alpha39, Code 39 Extended, and Code 39 Full ASCII
Code934 Code 93 a.k.a. ANSI/AIM Code 93, ANSI/AIM Code 93, Uniform Symbology Specification Code 93, USS Code 93, USS 93, Code 9/3, USS-93, USD-3, Code 93 Extended, and Code 93 Full ASCII
Code1285 Code 128 a.k.a. ANSI/AIM 128, ANSI/AIM Code 128, USS Code 128, Uniform Symbology Specification Code 128, Code 128 Code Set A, Code 128 Code Set B, Code 128 Code Set C, Code 128A, Code 128B, Code 128C
DataMatrix6 Data Matrix a.k.a. Data Matrix ECC200
Ean87 EAN-8 a.k.a. European Article Number 8, EAN-8 Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, EAN-8 Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, EAN-8+5, EAN-8+2, EAN8, EAN8+5, EAN13+2, UPC-8, GTIN-8, GS1-8
Ean138 EAN-13 a.k.a. European Article Number 13, EAN-13 Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, EAN-13 Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, EAN-13+5, EAN-13+2, EAN13, EAN13+5, EAN13+2, UPC-13, GTIN-13, GS1-13
Industrial2of59 Industrial 2 of 5 a.k.a. 2 of 5 Industrial, 2/5 Industrial, 2 of 5 Standard, Standard 2 of 5, 2/5 Standard, Code 2/5, 2 of 5, C 2 of 5
Interleaved2of510 Interleaved 2 of 5 a.k.a. ANSI/AIM ITF 25, ANSI/AIM I-2/5, Uniform Symbology Specification ITF, USS ITF 2/5, ITF, I-2/5, 2 of 5 Interleaved, 2/5 Interleaved
Isbn11 ISBN a.k.a. International Standard Book Number, Bookland EAN, ISBN-13, ISBN-10, ISBN+5, ISBN+2, ISBN Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, ISBN Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On
Msi12 MSI a.k.a. MSI/Plessey, Modified Plessey
Pdf41713 PDF417 a.k.a. Portable Data File 417, PDF 417, PDF417 Truncated
Planet14 PLANET a.k.a. USPS PLANET Barcode, USPS Confirm Service Barcode
Postnet15 POSTNET a.k.a. USPS POSTNET Barcode, USPS POSTal Numeric Encoding Technique Barcode, Delivery Point Barcode (DPBC), Postnet 3 of 5
UccEan12816 UCC/EAN-128 a.k.a. EAN-128, UCC-128, USS-128, GS1-128, UCC.EAN-128, GTIN-128
UpcA17 UPC-A a.k.a. Universal Product Code version A, UPC-A Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, UPC-A Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, UPC-A+5, UPC-A+2, UPC Code, UPC Symbol, GTIN-12, GS1-12
UpcE18 UPC-E a.k.a. Universal Product Code version E, UPC-E Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, UPC-E Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, UPC-E+5, UPC-E+2, UPC-E0, E0, UPC-E1, E1, GTIN-12 with lead 0, GS1-12
UspsOneCode4CB19 USPS OneCode 4-State Customer Barcode a.k.a. OneCode 4CB, USPS 4CB, 4-CB, 4-State Customer Barcode, USPS OneCode Solution Barcode
RoyalMail20 British Royal Mail 4-State Customer Barcode a.k.a. RM4SCC, RoyalMail4SCC, British Royal Mail 4-State Customer Code and Royal Mail Barcode
AustraliaPost21 Australia Post 4-state Barcode a.k.a. Australian 4-state postal barcode, Australia Post Customer Barcode
RoyalTpgPostKix22 Royal TPG Post KIX 4-State Barcode a.k.a. Kix Barcode, Klantenindex (client index) Barcode, Dutch KIX 4-State Bar Code, Dutch KIX, TPG KIX, and TPGPOST KIX
Sscc1823 SSCC-18 a.k.a. UPC-128 Shipping Container Code, Code 128 UPC Shipping Container Code, Serial Shipping Container Code, UCC-128, EAN-18, NVE (Nummer der Versandeinheit)
Pzn24 PZN a.k.a. Pharma-Zentral-Nummer, Pharmazentralnummer, Code PZN, CodePZN
DeutschePostLeitcode25 Deutsche Post Leitcode Barcode a.k.a. German Postal 2 of 5 Leitcode, CodeLeitcode, Leitcode, Deutsche Post AG (DHL)
DeutschePostIdentcode26 Deutsche Post Identcode Barcode a.k.a. German Postal 2 of 5 Identcode, Deutsche Post AG Identcode, Deutsche Frachtpost Identcode, Identcode, CodeIdentcode, Deutsche Post AG (DHL)
UspsTrayLabel27 USPS Tray Label Barcode a.k.a. USPS 25 Tray label
UspsSackLabel28 USPS Sack Label Barcode a.k.a. USPS 25 Sack label
EanVelocity29 EAN-Velocity a.k.a. Velocity Barcode
SingaporePost30 Singapore 4-State Postal Code Barcode a.k.a. Singapore 4-State Postal, SingPost 4-State, and SingPost Barcode
Jan831 JAN-8 a.k.a. Japanese Article Number 8, JAN-8 Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, JAN-8 Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, JAN-8+5, JAN-8+2, JAN8, JAN8+5, JAN8+2
Jan1332 JAN-13 a.k.a. Japanese Article Number 13, JAN-13 Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, JAN-13 Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, JAN-13+5, JAN-13+2, JAN13, JAN13+5, JAN13+2
SwissPostParcel33 Swiss PostParcel Barcode a.k.a. SwissPost Parcel Barcode, Switzerland Post Parcel Barcode
Opc34 OPC a.k.a. Optical Product Code, VCA Barcode, VCA OPC, Vision Council of America OPC Barcode
Ean9935 EAN-99 a.k.a. European Article Number 99, EAN-99 Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, EAN-99 Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, EAN-99+5, EAN-99+2, EAN99, EAN99+5, EAN99+2, GTIN-99, GS1-99, Coupon Barcode
Itf1436 ITF-14 a.k.a. UPC Shipping Container Symbol ITF-14, ITF14, Case Code, UPC Case Code, EAN/UCC-14, EAN-14, UCC-14, DUN-14, GTIN-14
Scc1437 SCC-14 a.k.a. Shipping Container Code, EAN/UCC 14, DUN-14, EAN-14, UCC-14, UPC Case Code, UPC Shipping Container Code, Distribution Unit Number 14, SCC14, DUN14, EAN14, UCC14, EAN/UCC-14, Despatch Unit Number 14, GTIN-14
Issn38 ISSN a.k.a. International Standard Serial Number, ISSN-13, ISSN-10, ISSN+5, ISSN+2, ISSN Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, ISSN Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On
Ismn39 ISMN a.k.a. International Standard Music Number, ISMN-13, ISMN-10, ISMN+5, ISMN+2, ISMN Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, ISMN Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, ISO 10957
NumlyNumber40 Numly Number a.k.a. ESN, Electronic Serial Number, Electronic Standard Book Number, ESBN
QRCode41 QR Code a.k.a. Quick Response Code, QRCode Model 2, JIS X 0510, ISO-IEC 18004
UspsFim42 USPS FIM a.k.a. Facing Identification Marks, FIM A B C D
UspsHorizontalBars43 USPS Horizontal Bars
Telepen44 Telepen a.k.a. SB Telepen
Pharmacode45 Pharmacode a.k.a. Pharmacode Laetus, Pharmaceutical Binary Code
Semacode46 Semacode a.k.a. URL Barcode, Semacode Tag
Code3247 Code 32 a.k.a. Italian Pharmacode, IMH, Codice 32 Pharmacode, Codice Farmaceutico Italiano, Radix 32 Barcode
UspsPicUccEan12848 USPS PIC UCC/EAN-128 a.k.a. USPS Package Identification Code, USPS Confirmation Services Tracking Number Barcode
FedExGround9649 FedEx Ground 96 a.k.a. FedEx 96 Barcode, FedEx Ground 96 UCC/EAN-128, 96 Barcode
AztecCode50 Aztec Code a.k.a. AIM Aztec Barcode, ANSI/AIM BC13 ITS/97/002
CompactPdf41751 Compact PDF417 a.k.a. Compact Portable Data File 417, Compact PDF 417, PDF417 Truncated
MacroPdf41752 Macro PDF417 a.k.a. Macro Portable Data File 417, Macro PDF 417, MacroPDF417
MicroPdf41753 Micro PDF417 a.k.a. Micro Portable Data File 417, Micro PDF 417, MicroPDF417
VicsBol54 VICS BOL a.k.a. VICS Bill of Lading, Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Solutions Bill of Lading, BOL Barcode, 17-digit BOL, VICS standard Bill of Lading
VicsScacPro55 VICS SCAC PRO a.k.a. VICS Bill of Lading SCAC PRO, Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Solutions Bill of Lading SCAC PRO, SCAC Barcode, PRO Barcode, VICS SCAC, VICS PRO, SCAC/Pro Barcode, Standard Carrier Alpha Code, Carrier SCAC Barcode
ItalianPost2556 Italian Post 25 a.k.a. Italian Post ITF 2/5, PosteItaliane Registered Mail Barcode, PosteItaliane ITF
Isbt12857 ISBT 128 a.k.a. ISBT Barcode, ISBT128, International Society of Blood Transfusion Barcode, ICCBBA 128, International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation Barcode, Unique Donation Identification Barcode, American Association of Blood Banks AABB 128 Barcode, American Red Cross ARC Barcode
HibcLic3958 HIBC LIC 39 a.k.a. HIBCC LIC, HIBC Labeler Identification Code, HIBC Supplier Labeling Standard Barcode, HIBC SLS Barcode, HIBC LIC Primary Data Structure, HIBC LIC Secondary Data Structure, HIBC Code 39, HIBC PCN Barcode, HIBC Universal Product Number, HIBC UPN Barcode, Health Industry Bar Code, Health Industry Business Communications Council Barcode
HibcLic12859 HIBC LIC 128 a.k.a. HIBCC LIC, HIBC Labeler Identification Code, HIBC Supplier Labeling Standard Barcode, HIBC SLS Barcode, HIBC LIC Primary Data Structure, HIBC LIC Secondary Data Structure, HIBC Code 128, HIBC PCN Barcode, HIBC Universal Product Number, HIBC UPN Barcode, Health Industry Bar Code, Health Industry Business Communications Council Barcode
HibcPas3960 HIBC PAS 39 a.k.a. HIBCC PAS, HIBC Provider Applications Standard, HIBC Provider Applications Standard Barcode, HIBC PAS Barcode, HIBC PAS Data Structure, HIBC PAS Single Data Structure, HIBC PAS Split Data Field, HIBC PAS Multiple Data Field (Concatenated), HIBC PAS Code 39, HIBC Health Care Services Provider Barcode
HibcPas12861 HIBC PAS 128 a.k.a. HIBCC PAS, HIBC Provider Applications Standard, HIBC Provider Applications Standard Barcode, HIBC PAS Barcode, HIBC PAS Data Structure, HIBC PAS Single Data Structure, HIBC PAS Split Data Field, HIBC PAS Multiple Data Field (Concatenated), HIBC PAS Code 128, HIBC Health Care Services Provider Barcode
UspsIntelligentMail62 USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode a.k.a. OneCode 4CB, USPS 4CB, 4-CB, 4-State Customer Barcode, USPS OneCode Solution Barcode
EanUpcAddOn263 EAN UPC Add On 2 a.k.a. EAN Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, EAN+2, UPC Supplement 2/Two-digit Add-On, UPC+2
EanUpcAddOn564 EAN UPC Add On 5 a.k.a. EAN Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, EAN+5, UPC Supplement 5/Five-digit Add-On, UPC+5
UspsPicCode12865 USPS PIC Code 128 a.k.a. USPS Package Identification Code USS Code 128, USPS Confirmation Services Tracking Number Barcode USS Code 128
GS1DataBarOmnidirectional66 GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional a.k.a. RSS14, Reduced Space Symbology 14
GS1DataBar1467 GS1 DataBar-14 a.k.a. GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional, RSS14, Reduced Space Symbology 14
Rss1468 RSS14 a.k.a. RSS 14, Reduced Space Symbology 14, GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional
GS1DataBarTruncated69 GS1 DataBar Truncated a.k.a. RSS 14 Truncated, Reduced Space Symbology 14 Truncated
GS1DataBar14Truncated70 GS1 DataBar-14 Truncated a.k.a. GS1 DataBar Truncated, RSS 14 Truncated, Reduced Space Symbology 14 Truncated
Rss14Truncated71 RSS14 Truncated a.k.a. RSS 14 Truncated, Reduced Space Symbology 14 Truncated, GS1 DataBar Truncated
GS1DataBarStacked72 GS1 DataBar Stacked a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked, Reduced Space Symbology 14 Stacked, GS1 DataBar 14 Stacked
GS1DataBar14Stacked73 GS1 DataBar-14 Stacked a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked, Reduced Space Symbology 14 Stacked, GS1 DataBar Stacked
Rss14Stacked74 RSS14 Stacked a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked, Reduced Space Symbology 14 Stacked, GS1 DataBar Stacked
GS1DataBarStackedOmnidirectional75 GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional a.k.a. GS1 DataBar-14 Stacked Omnidirectional, RSS 14 Stacked Omnidirectional, Reduced Space Symbology 14 Stacked Omnidirectional
GS1DataBar14StackedOmnidirectional76 GS1 DataBar-14 Stacked Omnidirectional a.k.a. GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional, RSS 14 Stacked Omnidirectional, Reduced Space Symbology 14 Stacked Omnidirectional
Rss14StackedOmnidirectional77 RSS14 Stacked Omnidirectional a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked Omnidirectional, Reduced Space Symbology 14 Stacked Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar-14 Stacked Omnidirectional, GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional
GS1DataBarLimited78 GS1 DataBar Limited a.k.a. GS1 DataBar-14 Limited, RSS Limited, Reduced Space Symbology Limited
RssLimited80 RSS Limited a.k.a. Reduced Space Symbology Limited, GS1 DataBar-14 Limited, GS1 DataBar Limited
GS1DataBarExpanded81 GS1 DataBar Expanded a.k.a. RSS Expanded, Reduced Space Symbology Expanded
RssExpanded82 RSS Expanded a.k.a. GS1 DataBar Expanded, Reduced Space Symbology Expanded
GS1DataBarExpandedStacked83 GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked a.k.a. RSS Expanded Stacked, Reduced Space Symbology Expanded Stacked
RssExpandedStacked84 RSS Expanded Stacked a.k.a. GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked, Reduced Space Symbology Expanded Stacked
GS112885 GS1-128 a.k.a. UCC/EAN-128, EAN-128, UCC-128, USS-128, UCC.EAN-128, GTIN-128
MaxiCode86 MaxiCode a.k.a. UPS MaxiCode, Maxi Code, United Parcel Service MaxiCode
MicroQRCode87 Micro QR Code a.k.a. Micro Quick Response Code, Micro QRCode Model 2
Matrix2of588 Matrix 2 of 5 a.k.a. 2 of 5 Matrix, 2/5 Matrix
DanishPostal3989 Danish Postal 39 a.k.a. Danish PTT 39, Post Danmark A/S Barcode, Post Danmark Parcel Barcode
FrenchPostal39AR90 French Postal 39 A/R a.k.a. French Postal A/R 39, La Poste A/R 39
IATA2of591 IATA 2 of 5 a.k.a. International Air Transport Assosiation 2 of 5
AustraliaPostDomesticEParcelBarcode92 Australia Post Domestic eParcel Barcode ak.a. Australia Post Domestic eParcel Article Barcode
UspsIntelligentMailContainerBarcode93 USPS Intelligent Mail Container Barcode a.k.a. USPS IM Container Barcode, IM Container Barcode
KodakPatchCode94 Kodak Patch Code
GS1DataMatrix95 GS1 DataMatrix a.k.a. GS1 Data Matrix ECC200
Ean13CCA96 EAN-13 CC-A a.k.a. European Article Number 13 with CC-A
Ean13CCB97 EAN-13 CC-B a.k.a. European Article Number 13 with CC-B
Ean8CCA98 EAN-8 CC-A a.k.a. European Article Number 8 with CC-A
Ean8CCB99 EAN-8 CC-B a.k.a. European Article Number 8 with CC-B
UpcACCA100 UPC-A CC-A a.k.a. Universal Product Code version A with CC-A
UpcACCB101 UPC-A CC-B a.k.a. Universal Product Code version A with CC-B
UpcECCA102 UPC-E CC-A a.k.a. Universal Product Code version E with CC-A
UpcECCB103 UPC-E CC-B a.k.a. Universal Product Code version E with CC-B
UccEan128CCA104 UCC/EAN-128 CC-A a.k.a. GS1-128 with CC-A
UccEan128CCB105 UCC/EAN-128 CC-B a.k.a. GS1-128 with CC-B
UccEan128CCC106 UCC/EAN-128 CC-C a.k.a. GS1-128 with CC-C
GS1128CCA107 GS1-128 CC-A a.k.a. UCC/EAN-128 with CC-A
GS1128CCB108 GS1-128 CC-B a.k.a. UCC/EAN-128 with CC-B
GS1128CCC109 GS1-128 CC-C a.k.a. UCC/EAN-128 with CC-C
GS1DataBarOmnidirectionalCCA110 GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional with CC-A a.k.a. RSS14 CC-A
GS1DataBar14CCA111 GS1 DataBar-14 with CC-A a.k.a. RSS14 with CC-A
Rss14CCA112 RSS14 CC-A
GS1DataBarOmnidirectionalCCB113 GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional with CC-B a.k.a. RSS14 CC-B
GS1DataBar14CCB114 GS1 DataBar-14 with CC-B a.k.a. RSS14 with CC-B
Rss14CCB115 RSS14 CC-B
GS1DataBarTruncatedCCA116 GS1 DataBar Truncated CC-A a.k.a. RSS 14 Truncated CC-A
GS1DataBar14TruncatedCCA117 GS1 DataBar-14 Truncated CC-A a.k.a. RSS 14 Truncated CC-A
Rss14TruncatedCCA118 RSS14 Truncated CC-A
GS1DataBarTruncatedCCB119 GS1 DataBar Truncated CC-B a.k.a. RSS 14 Truncated CC-B
GS1DataBar14TruncatedCCB120 GS1 DataBar-14 Truncated CC-B a.k.a. RSS 14 Truncated CC-B
Rss14TruncatedCCB121 RSS14 Truncated CC-B
GS1DataBarLimitedCCA122 GS1 DataBar Limited CC-A a.k.a. RSS Limited CC-A
RssLimitedCCA123 RSS Limited CC-A
GS1DataBarLimitedCCB124 GS1 DataBar Limited CC-B a.k.a. RSS Limited CC-B
RssLimitedCCB125 RSS Limited CC-B
GS1DataBarStackedCCA126 GS1 DataBar Stacked CC-A a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked CC-A
GS1DataBar14StackedCCA127 GS1 DataBar-14 Stacked CC-A a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked CC-A
Rss14StackedCCA128 RSS14 Stacked CC-A a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked CC-A
GS1DataBarStackedCCB129 GS1 DataBar Stacked CC-B a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked CC-B
GS1DataBar14StackedCCB130 GS1 DataBar-14 Stacked CC-B a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked CC-B
Rss14StackedCCB131 RSS14 Stacked CC-B a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked CC-B
GS1DataBarStackedOmnidirectionalCCA132 GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional CC-A a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked Omnidirectional CC-A
GS1DataBar14StackedOmnidirectionalCCA133 GS1 DataBar-14 Stacked Omnidirectional CC-A a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked Omnidirectional CC-A
Rss14StackedOmnidirectionalCCA134 RSS14 Stacked Omnidirectional CC-A
GS1DataBarStackedOmnidirectionalCCB135 GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional CC-B a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked Omnidirectional CC-B
GS1DataBar14StackedOmnidirectionalCCB136 GS1 DataBar-14 Stacked Omnidirectional CC-B a.k.a. RSS 14 Stacked Omnidirectional CC-B
Rss14StackedOmnidirectionalCCB137 RSS14 Stacked Omnidirectional CC-B
GS1DataBarExpandedCCA138 GS1 DataBar Expanded CC-A a.k.a. RSS Expanded CC-A
RssExpandedCCA139 RSS Expanded CC-A
GS1DataBarExpandedCCB140 GS1 DataBar Expanded CC-B a.k.a. RSS Expanded CC-B
RssExpandedCCB141 RSS Expanded CC-B
GS1DataBarExpandedStackedCCA142 GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked CC-A a.k.a. RSS Expanded Stacked CC-A
RssExpandedStackedCCA143 RSS Expanded Stacked CC-A
GS1DataBarExpandedStackedCCB144 GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked CC-B a.k.a. RSS Expanded Stacked CC-B
RssExpandedStackedCCB145 RSS Expanded Stacked CC-B
Ean14146 EAN-14 a.k.a. GTIN-14, UCC-14
Dun14Itf147 DUN-14 ITF Version
Dun14Ean148 DUN-14 GS1/EAN/UCC Version
GS1QRCode149 GS1 QR Code
Ppn150 PPN a.k.a. IFA PPN, IFA Pharmacy Product Number, IFA securPharm
IFAsecurPharm151 IFA securPharm a.k.a. PPN
DhlAwb152 DHL AWB
HibcLicDataMatrix153 HIBC LIC Data Matrix
HibcLicQRCode154 HIBC LIC QR Code
HibcLicAztecCode155 HIBC LIC Aztec Code
HibcPasDataMatrix156 HIBC PAS Data Matrix
HibcPasQRCode157 HIBC PAS QR COde
HibcPasAztecCode158 HIBC PAS Aztec Code
Isbt128DataMatrix159 ISBT 128 Data Matrix
DeutschePostResponsePlusPostMatrix160 Deutsche Post PostMatrix
DeutschePostBzl161 Deutsche Post BZL
UspsIntelligentMailPackageBarcode162 USPS Intelligent Mail Package Barcode a.k.a. USPS IMpb
HanXinCode163 Han Xin Code a.k.a. 2D Chinese Barcode

See Also