Specifies the printer communication type.

Namespace: Neodynamic.SDK.Printing
Assembly: Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel (in Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll) Version: 6.0.3500.0 (6.0.3515.430)


public enum CommunicationType
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration CommunicationType
Visual C++
public enum class CommunicationType


Member nameValueDescription
USB0 Communicates to printer device through USB (Universal Serial Bus).
Serial1 Communicates to printer device through Serial Port RS-232.
Parallel2 Communicates to printer device through Parallel Port (Centronics).
Network3 Communicates to printer device through Ethernet connection.
PrinterDriver4 Communicates to printer device through an installed printer driver.
Stream5 Communicates to printer device through a System.IO.Stream object.

See Also