Specifies the facing identification mark (FIM) pattern to use on that symbology.

Namespace: Neodynamic.SDK.Printing
Assembly: Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel (in Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll) Version: 6.0.3500.0 (6.0.3515.430)


public enum FIM
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration FIM
Visual C++
public enum class FIM


Member nameValueDescription
A0 Used for Courtesy Reply Mail (CRM) and Meter Reply Mail (MRM) with a preprinted barcode.
B1 Used for Business Reply Mail (BRM) without a preprinted BRM ZIP+4 barcode.
C2 Used for Business Reply Mail (BRM) with a preprinted BRM ZIP+4 barcode.
D3 Used only with information based indicia (IBI) postage.

See Also