Specifies the Han Xin Code Encoding to use on that symbology.

Namespace: Neodynamic.SDK.Printing
Assembly: Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel (in Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll) Version: 6.0.3500.0 (6.0.3515.430)


public enum HanXinCodeEncoding
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration HanXinCodeEncoding
Visual C++
public enum class HanXinCodeEncoding


Member nameValueDescription
Numeric1 Used to encode data that contains numeric characters
Text2 Used to encode data from common symbols in ISO-8859-1
BinaryByte3 Used to encode 8 bit values
ChineseReg14 Used to encode Common Chinese Characters in Region 1 i.e. characters whose first byte value is in the range of B0(HEX) to D7(HEX) and second byte value is in the range of A1(HEX) to FE(HEX), and characters whose first byte value is in the range of A1(HEX) to A3(HEX), and second byte value is in the range of A1(HEX) to FE(HEX), and characters whose byte values are in the range of A8A1(HEX) to A8C0(HEX).
ChineseReg25 Used to encode Common Chinese Characters in Region 2 i.e. characters whose first byte value is in the range of D8(HEX) to F7(HEX), and second byte value is in the range of A1(HEX) to FE(HEX).
GB18030Bytes26 Used to encode the GB18030 2-byte region i.e. data from all characters (including the Common Chinese Characters in Regions 1 and 2) in GB18030 double-byte region.
GB18030Bytes47 Used to encode the GB18030 4-byte region i.e. characters whose first byte value is in the range of 81(HEX) to FE(HEX), and second byte value is in the range of 30(HEX) to 39(HEX), and third byte value is in the range of 81(HEX) to FE(HEX), and fourth byte value is in the range of 30(HEX) to 39(HEX).

See Also