Specifies the Error Correction Level to apply for Han Xin Code symbology.

Namespace: Neodynamic.SDK.Printing
Assembly: Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel (in Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll) Version: 6.0.3500.0 (6.0.3515.430)


public enum HanXinCodeErrorCorrectionLevel
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration HanXinCodeErrorCorrectionLevel
Visual C++
public enum class HanXinCodeErrorCorrectionLevel


Member nameValueDescription
L10 Approx. 8% of codewords can be restored. L1 is appropriate for high symbol quality and/or the need for the smallest possible symbol.
L21 Approx. 15% of codewords can be restored. L2 is described as Standard level and offers a good compromise between small size and increased reliability.
L32 Approx. 23% of codewords can be restored. L3 is a High reliability level and suitable for more critical or poor print quality applications.
L43 Approx. 30% of codewords can be restored. L4 offers the maximum achievable reliability.

See Also