Specifies the supported pixel formats

Namespace: Neodynamic.SDK.Printing
Assembly: Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel (in Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll) Version: 6.0.3500.0 (6.0.3515.430)


public enum PixelFormat
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration PixelFormat
Visual C++
public enum class PixelFormat


Member nameValueDescription
BGR240 BGR24 is a RGB format with 24 bits per pixel (BPP). Each color channel (Blue, Green, and Red) is allocated 8 bits per pixel (BPP).
BGR321 BGR32 is a RGB format with 32 bits per pixel (BPP). Each color channel (Blue, Green, and Red) is allocated 8 bits per pixel (BPP).
BGRA322 BGRA32 is a RGB format with 32 bits per pixel (BPP). Each color channel (Blue, Green, Red, and Alpha) is allocated 8 bits per pixel (BPP).
PBGRA323 PBGRA32 is a RGB format with 32 bits per pixel (BPP). Each color channel (Blue, Green, Red, and Alpha) is allocated 8 bits per pixel (BPP). Each color channel is pre-multiplied by the alpha value.
Monochrome4 Monochrome is a Black and White pixel format which displays one bit of data per pixel as either black or white.
CMYK325 CMYK32 is a pixel format which displays 32 bits per pixel (BPP) with each color channel (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black) allocated 8 bits per pixel (BPP).

See Also