This Barcode Symbology is supported by the following Neodynamic products:
Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get a Deutsche Post PostMatrix barcode image, please follow these steps:
NOTE: The PostMatris is rendered as a
DataMatrix 2D barcode with a couple of special adjacent vertical bars so all settings (like module size) for DataMatrix will be taken into account when generating a PostMatrix symbol.
- Set the Symbology property to DeutschePostResponsePlusPostMatrix.
- Set the DataMatrixEncoding property.
- Set the DataMatrixFormat property.
- Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
- Set the DataMatrixModuleSize property (Value is expressed in Inches)
- Set the QuietZoneWidth property (Value is expressed in Inches)
- Set the TopMargin and BottomMargin properties (Values are expressed in Inches)
- Set the Code property with the value to encode.
- If desired, you can use the tilde character "~" to specify special characters in the input data. To do that you must set the Deutsche Post PostMatrixProcessTilde property to True.
Note: Please refer to the Class Reference documentation for more information about the properties and methods stated in this document.
In order to get a Deutsche Post PostMatrix barcode image, please follow these steps:
- Set the Symbology property to DeutschePostResponsePlusPostMatrix.
- Set the DataMatrixEncoding property.
- Set the DataMatrixFormat property.
- Setting up dimensions and quiet zones:
All values for barcode dimensions are expressed in INCHES by default. However, Barcode Professional supports other unit of measurement such as Millimeter, Centimeter, and Mils. For modifying the unit of measurement for barcoding, please set up the BarcodeUnit property as needed.
- Set the DataMatrixModuleSize property (Value is expressed in Inches)
- Set the QuietZone property (Value is expressed in Inches)
- Set the Code property with the value to encode.
- If desired, you can use the tilde character "~" to specify special characters in the input data. To do that you must set the DataMatrixProcessTilde property to True.
Encoding a string based of ASCII chars in hexadecimal notation. Code property = ~h44~h45~h41~h85~h00~h00~h00~h11~h71~ha0~h01~h02~h4f~hef~h00 ~h4e~h16~h21~hc1~h20~h59~h1e~h7a~had~ha6~h14~h0e~hc6~hd2~h0f ~h87~h02~h9c~h88~he1~h9a~hec~h17~h42~hd6~h00~h00
DataMatrixEncoding = Base256 & DataMatrixProcessTilde = True will produce the following barcode image: