Also known as QR-bill Barcode
This Barcode Symbology is supported by the following Neodynamic products:The QR-bill shows a QR Code symbol with a Swiss cross as the identifying feature and contains in digital form all the information necessary for payment encoding it in a given format or structure. Along with the printed information, the Swiss QR Code forms the payment part of the QR-bill in A6 format. It is suitable for billing in CHF and EUR and is fully compliant with the regulatory requirements arising from the revised Anti-Money Laundering Ordinance.
Error correction level
Swiss QR Code Symbol requires an error correction level "M", which means a redundancy or assurance of around 15%.
Symbol Size
The measurements of the Swiss QR Code for printing must always be 46 x 46 mm (without surrounding quiet space) regardless of the Swiss QR Code version. Depending on the printer resolution, the Swiss QR Code produced must be enlarged or reduced accordingly (this is done by Barcode Professional automatically as detailed in the samples section below)
How Swiss QR Code tilde processing works
When working with Swiss QR Code tilde processing keep in mind the following rules:• Data example for the Swiss QR code with two additional schemes and structured biller information
Set the QRCodeProcessTilde property to True (this allows you to specify the CR LF sequence as ~h0D~h0A) and Code property = "SPC~h0D~h0A0100~h0D~h0A1~h0D~h0ACH4431999123000889012~h0D~h0ARobert Schneider AG~h0D~h0ARue du Lac~h0D~h0A1268/2/22~h0D~h0A2501~h0D~h0ABiel~h0D~h0ACH~h0D~h0ARobert Schneider Services Switzerland AG~h0D~h0ARue du Lac~h0D~h0A1268/3/1~h0D~h0A2501~h0D~h0ABiel~h0D~h0ACH~h0D~h0A123,949.75~h0D~h0ACHF~h0D~h0A2019-10-31~h0D~h0APia-Maria Rutschmann-Schnyder~h0D~h0AGrosse Marktgasse~h0D~h0A28~h0D~h0A9400~h0D~h0ARorschach~h0D~h0ACH~h0D~h0AQRR~h0D~h0A210000000003139471430009017~h0D~h0AInstruction of 15.09.2019##S1/01/20170309/11/10201409/20/14000000/22/36958/30/CH106017086/40/1020/41/3010~h0D~h0AUV1;1.1;1278564;1A-2F-43-AC-9B-33-21-B0-CC-D4-28-56;TCXVMKC22;2019-02-10T15: 12:39; 2019-02-10T15:18:16~h0D~h0AXY2;2a-2.2r;_R1-CH2_ConradCH-2074-1_3350_2019-03-13T10:23:47_16,99_0,00_0,00_0,00_0,00_+8FADt/DQ=_1=="
will produce the following barcode image:
• Data example for QR code without amount (donation), without debtor and with unstructured additional information, as well as without alternative scheme
Set the QRCodeProcessTilde property to True (this allows you to specify the CR LF sequence as ~h0D~h0A) and Code property = "SPC~h0D~h0A0100~h0D~h0A1~h0D~h0ACH3709000000304442225~h0D~h0ASalvation Army Foundation Switzerland~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A3000~h0D~h0ABerne~h0D~h0ACH~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0ACHF~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0ANON~h0D~h0A~h0D~h0ADonation to the Winterfest Campaign"
will produce the following barcode image: