  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Specifies information about the print job to be processed at the client side.





_type: string = ''


  • get binaryPrinterCommands(): Uint8Array
  • set binaryPrinterCommands(value: Uint8Array): void
  • Gets or sets the printer's commands in binary format. Default is null (nothing).

    Returns Uint8Array

  • Gets or sets the printer's commands in binary format. Default is null (nothing).


    • value: Uint8Array

    Returns void

  • Gets or sets the ClientPrinter object. Default is null (nothing).

    Use a DefaultPrinter object for using the default printer installed in the client machine.

    Use a InstalledPrinter object for using a printer installed in the client machine with an associated OS printer driver.

    Use a ParallelPortPrinter object for using a printer which is connected through a parallel port in the client machine.

    Use a SerialPortPrinter object for using a printer which is connected through a serial port in the client machine.

    Use a NetworkPrinter object for using a Network IP/Ethernet printer which can be reached from the client machine.

    Returns IClientPrinter

  • Gets or sets the ClientPrinter object. Default is null (nothing).

    Use a DefaultPrinter object for using the default printer installed in the client machine.

    Use a InstalledPrinter object for using a printer installed in the client machine with an associated OS printer driver.

    Use a ParallelPortPrinter object for using a printer which is connected through a parallel port in the client machine.

    Use a SerialPortPrinter object for using a printer which is connected through a serial port in the client machine.

    Use a NetworkPrinter object for using a Network IP/Ethernet printer which can be reached from the client machine.


    Returns void

  • Gets an array of PrintFile objects to be printed at the client side. Default is an empty list.

    Returns PrintFile[]

  • get printerCommands(): string
  • set printerCommands(value: string): void
  • Gets or sets the printer's commands in text plain format. Default is an empty string.

    Returns string

  • Gets or sets the printer's commands in text plain format. Default is an empty string.


    • value: string

    Returns void

  • get printerCommandsCodePage(): Encoding
  • set printerCommandsCodePage(value: Encoding): void
  • get printerCommandsCopies(): number
  • set printerCommandsCopies(value: number): void
  • Gets or sets the number of copies for Printer Commands. Default is 1.

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets the number of copies for Printer Commands. Default is 1.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • _cmd2bin(): void
  • Returns void

  • _genPCArrayAsync(binPrinterCommands: Uint8Array, printerCopies: number): Promise<Blob>
  • Parameters

    • binPrinterCommands: Uint8Array
    • printerCopies: number

    Returns Promise<Blob>

  • _genPFGArrayAsync(printFileGroup: PrintFile[]): Promise<Blob>
  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<Blob>

  • _genPrinterArrayAsync(clientPrinter: IClientPrinter): Promise<Uint8Array>
  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

  • _generateDataAsync(): Promise<Blob>
  • Returns Promise<Blob>

  • onError(data: any, is_critical: any): void
  • Occurs when an error is thrown for the current print job.


    • data: any

      The data object related to this event.

    • is_critical: any

      Whether the error is critial or not.

    Returns void

  • onFinished(data: any): void
  • Occurs when the current print job has finished.


    • data: any

      The data object related to this event.

    Returns void

  • onUpdate(data: any, last: any): void
  • Parameters

    • data: any
    • last: any

    Returns void

  • onUpdated(data: any): void
  • Occurs when the current print job is updated.


    • data: any

      The data object related to this event.

    Returns void

  • sendToClient(): Promise<unknown>