  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

It represents a printer which is connected through a serial port (RS232) in the client machine.


  • SerialPortPrinter




  • Creates an instance of the SerialPortPrinter class wiht the specified information.


    • portName: string

      The serial port name, for example COM1.

    • baudRate: number

      The serial port baud rate in bits per second.

    • parity: Parity

      The serial port parity-checking protocol.

    • stopBits: StopBits

      The serial port standard number of stopbits per byte.

    • dataBits: DataBits

      The serial port standard length of data bits per byte.

    • flowControl: Handshake

      The handshaking protocol for serial port transmission of data.

    Returns SerialPortPrinter


Id: number = 3

The Client Printer ID


  • get baudRate(): number
  • set baudRate(value: number): void
  • Gets or sets the serial port baud rate in bits per second. Default value is 9600

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets the serial port baud rate in bits per second. Default value is 9600


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • Gets or sets the serial port standard length of data bits per byte. Default value is Serial.DataBits.Eight

    Returns DataBits

  • Gets or sets the serial port standard length of data bits per byte. Default value is Serial.DataBits.Eight


    Returns void

  • Gets or sets the handshaking protocol for serial port transmission of data. Default value is Serial.Handshake.XOnXOff

    Returns Handshake

  • Gets or sets the handshaking protocol for serial port transmission of data. Default value is Serial.Handshake.XOnXOff


    Returns void

  • Gets or sets the serial port parity-checking protocol. Default value is Serial.Parity.None

    Returns Parity

  • Gets or sets the serial port parity-checking protocol. Default value is Serial.Parity.None


    Returns void

  • get portName(): string
  • set portName(value: string): void
  • Gets or sets the serial port name, for example COM1. Default value is "COM1"

    Returns string

  • Gets or sets the serial port name, for example COM1. Default value is "COM1"


    • value: string

    Returns void

  • Gets or sets the serial port standard number of stopbits per byte. Default value is Serial.StopBits.One

    Returns StopBits

  • Gets or sets the serial port standard number of stopbits per byte. Default value is Serial.StopBits.One


    Returns void


  • serialize(): string
  • The Client Printer serialization.

    Returns string