  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

It represents a PDF file that will be printed at the client side.




  • Creates an instance of the PrintFilePDF class with the specified info.


    • fileContent: any

      The content of the file depending on the source type.

    • fileContentType: FileSourceType

      The source type of the file.

    • fileName: string

      The file name that will be created at the client side.

    • Optional copies: number

      The number of printing copies.

    Returns PrintFilePDF


encryptedPassword: string = ""
fileContent: any

Gets or sets the content of the file depending on the source type.

fileContentType: FileSourceType

Gets or sets the source type of the file.

fileName: string = ""

Gets or sets the file name that will be created at the client side. It must include the file extension like .pdf, .txt, .doc, .xls, etc.

manualDuplex: boolean = false
manualDuplexMessage: string = ""
pageSizing: Sizing = Sizing.None
printAnnotations: boolean = false

Gets or sets whether to print any annotations, if any, available in the PDF document.

printAsGrayscale: boolean = false

Gets or sets whether to print the PDF document with color images, texts, or other objects as shades of gray.

printAutoCenter: boolean = false
printAutoRotate: boolean = false
printInReverseOrder: boolean = false

Gets or sets whether pages are printed in reverse order.

printRange: string = ''

Gets or sets the print range.

printRotation: PrintRotation = PrintRotation.None

Gets or sets the print rotation.


  • get copies(): number
  • set copies(value: number): void
  • Gets or sets the number of printing copies for this file. Default is 1.

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets the number of printing copies for this file. Default is 1.


    • value: number

    Returns void


  • getContent(): Promise<Blob>
  • getProperties(): IPrintFilePDFProperties