The ImageItem type exposes the following members.


Public methodImageItem()()()()
Initializes a new instance of the ImageItem class.
Public methodImageItem(Double, Double)
Initializes a new instance of the ImageItem class with the specified location.


Public methodClone
Creates a copy of the current ImageItem.
(Overrides Item..::..Clone()()()().)
Public methodUpdateFrom
Updates this ImageItem object with the properties of the specified ImageItem object.
(Overrides Item..::..UpdateFrom(Item).)


Public propertyCacheItemId
Gets or sets the ID which will be assigned to the item in the cache. It must be a unique ID value for each item. The ID must be 1 to 8 alphanumeric [A-Z][0-9] characters long. If it's empty, then a random ID will be assigned automatically at runtime. Default value is an empty string
(Inherited from Item.)
Public propertyComments
Gets or sets the comments associated to this item. Default is an empty string.
(Inherited from Item.)
Public propertyDataField
Gets or sets the name of the field from the data source that contains the values to bind to this item. Default value is an empty string
(Inherited from Item.)
Public propertyDataFieldFormatString
Gets or sets the string that specifies the display format for the value of the data field. Default value is an empty string
(Inherited from Item.)
Public propertyDpi
Gets or sets the item resolution, in dots per inch.
(Inherited from Item.)
Public propertyFlip
Gets or sets the axis used for flipping. Default value is None
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height of the image item. Default value is 0 (zero)
Public propertyIsGrayscaleOrBlackWhite
Gets or sets whether the pixels composing the source image are grayscale or black and white based. Default is false.
Public propertyLockAspectRatio
Gets or sets how source image's proportions are maintained if it is resized. Default value is None
Public propertyMonochromeSettings
Gets the monochrome settings for Black/White conversion. Default value is OtsuThreshold
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the programmatic identifier or name assigned to the item. Default value is an empty string
(Inherited from Item.)
Public propertyPrintAsGraphic
Gets or sets whether the item's output is forced to be printed as a graphic. Default is false.
(Inherited from Item.)
Public propertyRotationAngle
Gets or sets the rotation angle to apply on the source image. It is measured clockwise from the x-axis. Default value is 0 (zero)
Public propertySourceBase64
Gets or sets the Base64 string of the image content. Default value is an empty string
Public propertySourceBinary
Gets or sets the binary content of the image. Default value is Null
Public propertySourceFile
Gets or sets the image file path or URL. Default value is an empty string
Public propertyUnitType
Gets or sets the Unit of Measurement for the item.
(Inherited from Item.)
Public propertyUseCache
Gets or sets whether the item should be cached in the printer's memory. An item cannot be cached if it's bound to some data source field through the DataField property. Default value is false
(Inherited from Item.)
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width of the image item. Default value is 0 (zero)
Public propertyX
Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the item relative to the upper-left corner of its container. Default value is 0 (zero)
(Inherited from Item.)
Public propertyY
Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the item relative to the upper-left corner of its container. Default value is 0 (zero)
(Inherited from Item.)


Public eventPropertyChanged
Occurs when a property value changes.
(Inherited from Item.)

See Also