The PrinterCommunication type exposes the following members.


Public methodPrinterCommunication


Public propertyCommunicationType
Gets or sets the printer communication type. Default value is USB
Public propertyNetworkIPAddress
Gets or sets the Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned to the printer. Default value is None
Public propertyNetworkPort
Gets or sets the port number assigned to the printer. Default value is 0
Public propertyNetworkTimeout
Gets or sets the network amount of time in milliseconds. Default value is 1500
Public propertyParallelPortName
Gets or sets the serial port name, for example LPT1. Default value is "LPT1"
Public propertySerialPortBaudRate
Gets or sets the serial port baud rate in bits per second. Default value is 9600
Public propertySerialPortDataBits
Gets or sets the serial port standard length of data bits per byte. Default value is 8
Public propertySerialPortFlowControl
Gets or sets the handshaking protocol for serial port transmission of data. Default value is XOnXOff
Public propertySerialPortName
Gets or sets the serial port name, for example COM1. Default value is "COM1"
Public propertySerialPortParity
Gets or sets the serial port parity-checking protocol. Default value is None
Public propertySerialPortStopBits
Gets or sets the serial port standard number of stopbits per byte. Default value is One
Public propertyStream
Gets or sets System.IO.Stream object for writing printer commands to. It is used only if the CommunicationType property is set up to Stream value. Default value is Null

See Also